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avalyn sparrow

When my lecture finished, I eagerly packed my laptop into my bag then rushed out of the lecture hall. Justin had texted saying he was waiting outside for me. But the moment I stepped outside, he was nowhere to be seen.

I stared at my phone, reading his last text message saying he was outside my class. Instead of him was a guy in a hoodie, puffer jacket and sweat pants. He wore a hat on his head and kept his head low. It wasn't until he rose his head with his annoying grin that I realized who it was.

"What are you wearing?" I laughed when he approached me. Justin is a casual guy, but this was far more casual than anything that he's worn.

"I wanted to look inconspicuous so I don't get recognized," Justin stood close, making me have to bend my neck to look up at him. His facial hair on his chin and upper lip were growing and I was hoping he'd shave it eventually.

"It's not giving inconspicuous. It's giving armed robbery at the corner store," I teased making him roll his eyes with laughter. His hands went to the side of my face, placing a quick kiss on my lips before I pulled him outside of the building. It was fairly sunny outside and the snow was beginning to melt. We needed to take advantage of this weather because the worst of winter was on its way.

"Where you going? Car is this way," he pointed in the opposite direction of where I was walking. I had my own plans in mind for what we could do together.

"Today we're doing what I wanna do and we're getting there my way," I glanced at his annoyed, confused face. He looked the slightest bit frightened like there was ever a world where I could have a bad idea. But he didn't argue. He held my hand tightly while we walked along the sidewalk until we went down cement stairs.

"You're making me take the subway?" There was a hint of disgust in his voice and it wasn't until now that I realized he has never taken the subway. That made this even more exciting.

"I'm sorry. I totally forgot that you're a privileged child that's never seen a subway."

Justin tried to pull me away to where he could buy a pass but I had no intentions of actually paying.

"I've seen a subway before. Don't be ridiculous. And you're supposed to pay," he pointed and I brought his hand down, not wanting to bring attention to us. I quickly jumped over the bar that prevented us from going without paying. His eyes widened, but I gestured for him to follow because I wasn't interested in him arguing with me about this. With a sigh, he followed my actions.

"Hey!" Security called out when he noticed the both of us. Justin froze as if he'd never been in a predicament like this.

"Let's go," I tugged at Justin's hand, our steps picking up to a light sprint. We turned a corner and went down more stairs where the subway train was getting ready to leave. With the man yelling close behind, I forced our way through the crowd and got into the train cart. Before the security could reach us, the doors slowly shut.

Justin sat down, struggling to catch his breath. I smiled, sitting down beside him as he shook his head.

"Do you know who I am? My manager would be pissed if I got caught getting a ticket because I chose not to pay a $5 fee to ride the subway," Justin whisper yelled as he continued to breathe heavily. He had a smile on his face that made me want to take a picture of him, just to capture how handsome he is.

"You've done worse," I rested my bag on my lap.

"Again, it's creepy that you do your research on me when you can just ask," he leaned to kiss my cheek before we both broke into laughter. This was the most I had ever seen him laugh and the look suited him so well. "Where are we going?"

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