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avalyn sparrow

"Mom I know. But I'm currently late for the bus because we closed late and I don't have time to stop at Target, so you're gonna need to do it yourself," I complained over the phone as I ran down the street like an idiot. The blame is on me for agreeing to do a closing shift when we close at 11 and the last bus is at 11:05. I was already running quite fast but to make matters worse, I could see the bus on the other side of the street before I could even reach the traffic lights.

"Holy shit," a man groaned when we collided pathways. My things along with his things were now all over the ground. My hand went on my forehead, groaning from hitting his hard chest.  "I should've paid more attention and-"

"Yeah you should've. Fuck!" I screamed from anger. The slightest chance I had to reach my bus was now out the window because of this guy who chose to keep his eyes on his stupid phone.

"Wow. Okay. That's a first," he laughed making me confused. He seemed offended about something other than us crashing.

"What? You've never received attitude before? This is New York City and I'm guessing you're new so you better get used to it," I replied, crouching down to bring my phone and bag back into my hands. He had papers that were scattered on the ground, but I had no interest in helping him.

"Well no actually I've never received attitude. Most people are too busy asking for my autograph and asking for pictures," he responded which left me even more confused than before and he could tell. "Wait sorry hold on. So you have no clue on who I am?" I bit my lip, taking a better look at him despite the horrible lighting.

The man is definitely attractive. He's tall with muscles that took up most of his shirt. Tattoos peaked out from under his shirt and almost met his neck. His hair was in between blonde and brown and cut short—a buzz cut. As for his eyes. Well the street lights made them twinkle. Staring into them made my stomach spin. I didn't like how he was making me feel.

"Yeah. Of course I do. You're Justin Bieber. But I'm supposed to care why?" I gulped a heap of air, doing my best to distract myself from how good he looks. Social media doesn't do him justice. I see him on magazines and hear his songs in public but that's about it. I've never really cared for him to be honest, but I can see why people do.

"Yes...I mean no. But yeah. Kinda. I'm shocked you don't know who the hell I am. The Justin Bieber."

"Adding the to the beginning of your name doesn't make me care anymore than I did before," I crossed my arms, looking behind him to see if there was a possibility of catching a taxi. It was later at night, but the city never sleeps which means I can catch one at anytime. But it would cost me more than I was willing to spend tonight.

"So I don't get a thanks for helping?" He smirked and I rose an eyebrow at him. He helped me get my feet, but that was the extent of his help.

"Please don't go there with me. It's your fault I'm in this position and that I now have to walk home or attempt to catch a cab. You should be thanking me for not slapping the shit out of you," I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought of my options on getting home. I really don't have the funds for a cab, but walking home isn't a smart idea, especially not at this time of night.

"Can I give you a ride home?" Justin kindly offered, but my pride was stopping me from accepting the offer. I was just a dick to him and now he's offering me a ride home.

"I don't get in cars with strangers," I had no confidence in my tone because deep down I would like a ride home. For some reason he found my statement funny because he could not stop laughing. His laugh is contagious.

"I don't think you need to worry about getting in a car with a stranger. I'm Justin Bieber," he tossed out his name again. He was right, but just because he's famous doesn't mean he's not capable of doing terrible things.

"That doesn't mean you can't kidnap or sell me," I continued on with my stubborn ways that didn't seem to turn him away. He kept looking at me with that stupid grin that suited him oddly well.

He slowly nodded, understanding where I was coming from. "Well I guarantee you, that's not what I'm going to do. What kind of man would I be if I let you walk home alone at this time of night?" He raised a good point, but it was quite obvious he hasn't lived here for long. Men in this city aren't gentlemen. The only gentlemen we have are those from other cities who have moved here.

"You'd be like any other man I've met. But sure. I'll take the ride," I put my pride to the side. He gestured for me to follow him and eventually I was led into a parking garage.

My skin went cold and fear washed over me. I pride myself on being a smart girl, but this was far from smart—following this man into a dark parking garage is far from smart. My footsteps slowed and he must've noticed because he turned around to look at my skeptical face. His eyes were reassuring and he shared a warming smile that I was putting my trust into.

We arrived at his Lamborghini SUV. I have seen them around but have never been inside of one. He opened the passenger door and I thanked him as I got into the vehicle. The air in here smelt expensive and the leather seats were soft. The interior was all white with black stitching and the car somehow still smelt brand new.

Justin asked for my address and I read it out to him to add into the navigation. A hint of embarrassment came over me when I realized we'd be driving to my home that was far below the standards I know Justin is accustomed to. Despite not knowing this man, I would hate to be judged by him.

"Be completely honest here, do you really not know me or care for me?" While I was worried about what he would think about my home and neighbourhood, he was concerned about how I couldn't care less about him being Justin Bieber.

"I don't live under a rock, Justin. Of course I know you. But I've never been interested in you. I don't have a reason to. I don't listen to your music. Your audience is kinda teenage girls which I'm not," I chose to be honest with him and my answer didn't make him happy. But it didn't shut him up either because the entire car ride he kept talking. His attempt to make conversation was cute. He seemed fairly interested in getting to know me, but I wasn't going to take it as him caring. He just wanted to make small talk.

"This is it?" He looked at my house in obvious disgust. I wasn't surprised. It's not the slightest bit nice. Even I know that. But he didn't have to make it obvious. Paint on the exterior was chipping, the grass was overgrown, the front gate was falling off the hinges. The list of things that needed to be repaired were a mile long.

"This is it," I said unbuckling my seatbelt. "Thanks for the car ride," I opened my door before he reached to close it.

"You know my name but I don't exactly know yours," he laughed making me smile a bit. The way he continues to be charming despite my pessimistic attitude was admirable. I'm not sure what he planned on doing with my name, but it only seemed fair to share it.

"Avalyn," I put my hand out to shake his hand. His hand was rough and much larger compared to mine. He slowly nodded as he admired the name.

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he bit his lip, his eyes resting on mine. That was honestly the most cheesy thing I've ever heard and I had to swallow my smart remark. With his car light  I could see his eyes. They were a caramel colour—a mix between light brown and green. It's unfair how perfect he looks.

"You think I'm beautiful? Justin Bieber thinks I'm beautiful? What am I gonna do with myself?" I couldn't fight off my sarcasm which seemed to annoy him. I ruined the moment. Whatever moment he thought this was.

"Yeah. Whatever," he mumbled, taking his hand away. With a quick goodbye, I got out of the car then shut the door. I rushed inside to my house being in shock that I had someone so ignorant sit beside me. Tonight was a horrible night.

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