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avalyn sparrow

Balancing school and work is far from easy. I'm constantly exhausted and never find time to myself, let alone time to nap. But I laid on my bed to do school work and I passed out. I didn't wake until I heard my father yelling at me from downstairs.

"Go get the damn door!" My father yelled, becoming annoyed by the doorbell ringing. I groaned, falling out of bed because my feet didn't want to wake. Stumbling down the stairs, I passed my father who was seated on the couch. I didn't understand why he couldn't get the door. But of course I wasn't going to argue.

I opened the door, my hand tensing on the doorknob when I saw the tall man standing in front of me. The weather was cold out and snow covered the ground. He wore this huge fur coat that looked so good on him and the snow brought out his eyes. We haven't even finished fall yet but we had snow sticking to the ground already.

"What do you want?" I looked away from him. It's been a few days since we met and I didn't think we had reason to ever meet again. His presence here is unnecessary, but a small bit of me was happy to see him again.

"You left this in my car and I don't exactly have your phone number. But I do have your address," he held a card in hand. It's a metrocard for the subway. I had noticed I was missing it, but it's easy to get new ones.

I took the card from him. "Thanks." I no longer need it, but I wasn't going to be a jerk and basically spit in his face for showing up at my home.

I expected him to leave, but he didn't. So I stepped outside and closed the door for privacy. I rubbed my arms that were bare and experiencing all the cold. "You realize what neighbourhood you're in right? You'll get shot not because you're Justin Bieber but because you came in a Lamborghini and look like a rich white boy on the wrong side of town," I played around with him. He chuckled, running his hand on his short hair.

"You're the first person I've ever met that's treated me like...well like a person. It would be stupid of me to just let you walk away. I could use a friend that doesn't care about my fame," he spoke before I looked up at him. He was looking at me with pure adoration. I've never met someone who enjoyed me sometimes being a bitch. Maybe because he doesn't know the full extent to my bitchiness. But he seriously likes me because I don't give him special treatment?

"I have a boyfriend," I brought up and he scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion.

"So you're one of those girls? The ones where a guy can't even look at you without the girl saying she has a boyfriend?" He questioned almost offended with me. Now I felt stupid for assuming he wanted something more than a friendship. It's already hard to believe he wants a friendship, I don't know why I jumped to conclusions in thinking he would want more

"I have a lot I have to do. Do you mind?" I pointed into my home. He seemed hesitant to let me go and slightly disappointed with my answer.

Justin took my hand before taking a pen out of his pocket. "Unless you want me to show up at your house again, I suggest you call me," he spoke as he wrote his number onto my hand.

It didn't sink in until I read it that Justin Bieber was giving me his phone number. That shouldn't be a big deal. I couldn't care less who this man is. But knowing he doesn't just give anyone his number did make me feel special. But I do hate that this feeling is coming from Justin Bieber of all people.

"We'll see," I lied, knowing that despite how flattered I was that he was giving me his phone number, there was only a slim chance that I would actually use it.

I turned going back inside the house. I looked at my hand, my lips forming a smile at the number and wink on my hand. I shook my head with a small laugh. I refuse to let Justin Bieber make me smile.

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