Author's Note

34.7K 630 75

Hey guys! So, this is the official end of Noah and Asher/Riley and Ethan's stories. I just want to say thank you all so so so soooooo much for reading, commenting and voting. Everyday I look at the stats and I never fail to go up over 1k reads and thats INSANE. You are all insanely loyal and hilarious and I can't ask for better readers 💖You all make my day and you never fail to brighten my mood when I go back and read the comments left, I was literally laughing for five minutes straight at some of them not even an hour ago. 

Anyways, thank you so much for the support and the encouragement 💖You have all made me the happiest person on earth over the course of these last few weeks and that seriously means a lot to me. I will be uploading more and more stories as time goes on so be sure to come back to @xBibliobibulix to check them out!

Love you all 💖💖💖💖


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