Try me// Chapter twenty one// No parties.

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Try me// Chapter twenty one// No parties. 

"Feeling better?" Mom asked when I walked into the kitchen rubbing my head. I nodded as she slid over a cup of coffee. 

"Thank you." I sighed as I practically chugged down the coffee. "Where's dad?"

"He and all the boys went out to finish a job." She said softly. By 'finish a job' she means kill someone and take their money.

"Oh." I said quietly and she nodded. "Mom, didn't you used to want to get away from all the madness? Like I thought you strayed away from all the gang stuff."

"I did. That's why I left for Europe, but then I found out I was pregnant with your brothers and I was completely broke. I had to do what I had to do, I became an Elite. I hated it." She sighed, leaning on the counter and putting her head in her hands, "I didn't realize until I came back to the states but being an elite seriously made me heartless. I wanted to get out of this life, I had it all planned out but then your brothers came and when we moved back, I reconnected with your dad and forgot all about my plan."

"Were you upset when Theo, Gabe and Harvey wanted to join Mayhem?" I questioned.

"Oh God, I still am upset. I'm really glad that you and Hayden are straying away from this nonstop loop that seems to keep going on with our family." She laughed lightly. 

I cracked a grin, "How long is Hayden going to be away anyways?"

She and her class went on a field trip to Washington D.C. 

"They'll be back..Monday I believe." She said knitting her eyebrows together before pulling her calendar up on her phone, "Yeah. They left yesterday, today's Friday so yeah, Monday." 

"Okay." I sighed as Rhiannon walked in the room with Zander and Jasmine. I slept all day. 

"You all will be okay alone tonight, right?" Rhiannon asked softly and I nodded. They're leaving for some business deal and will be back Monday morning. 

"No parties." Mom stated firmly. "If you want a few friends over, that's fine. Nothing else." 

"What?" Zander gasped dramatically. 

Jasmine grabbed her dress, "Us?"

"A party? No way!" I joined in and they rolled their eyes.

"They're literally just like us, Noah." Rhiannon said to Noah with wide eyes. 

My mom nodded, "But what is Zander then?" 

"Jude." She said in a 'duh' tone. 

"How is Uncle Jude, ma?" I asked her and she stopped to think for a minute. He and my Uncle Christian moved to London to take control of the '204' office there. 

"Last time I talked to him he was loving life. So I assume he's pretty good. He misses you kids a lot though. So does Chris." She said as she picked up her small duffel bag off the kitchen floor. She pulled out her credit card and handed me car keys for the car my dad gave me but my mom didn't want me driving yet. She only lets me drive it when she goes out of town so I have something to get me places. It's my dad's old car, a matte black dagger GT that hits over three hundred fifty miles per hour, he used it when he used to race when he did drag racing.

"Okay, we gotta get going." Aunt Rhiannon hugged us all and kissed Jasmine's forehead, "Love you!" 

"Here. Food and gas." Mom stated firmly as she slid over her credit card. "If you lose it tell me ASAP so I can freeze it. Got it?"

I nodded with a grin, "Love you." 

"I love you too, sweetie. No parties!" She called back as she and Rhiannon made their way out the front door.

The moment the door clicked shut, we all began screaming and dancing. 

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