Try me// Chapter forty nine// Well Great.

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Try me// Chapter forty nine// Well Great.

"My boyfriends back and you're gonna get in trouble," Emrie and I sang at the top of our lungs as we poured ourselves cups of coffee. "You're going to be sorry that you were ever born." 

"Hey la, hey la my boyfriends back." Zander joined in.

"Cause he's kinda gangsta and he's awfully strong," I sang quietly as everyone slowly stirred awake. I grabbed my coffee and walked over everyone's sleeping bodies before I made my way upstairs to my room to get dressed. Last night about half of the people had to leave, Ethan and the guys left for some Vice emergency, Erica, Kayla and Annie left cause the guys left, all that was left at this point was Zander, Jasmine, Emrie, Maggie, Daniel and Edison. Which is okay because they're all my favorites anyways. My brothers woke up early and decided that we were the quote on quote 'innocent' group so they left to go God knows where.

"Is it hot out or cold out?" I asked Jasmine as she passed my room. 

"It's winter!"

"Oh yea." I murmured before putting on a pair of skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I slipped on a pair of fuzzy socks before running down the hall to beat Jasmine to the bathroom. I applied a little bit of makeup before brushing my teeth and heading back downstairs. When I got back downstairs no one was here, literally the entire house was empty. 

"Jas?" I called out. No answer. I sighed and decided not to even bother looking for them as I began to clean up the house a little bit. A 'little bit' turned into me physically scrubbing everything down till the entire house smelt like chemicals. I opened the windows then finished folding the blankets and returning them back down to the basement. 

I flipped the lights on and managed to trip and tumble down the stairs which resulted in me getting a huge gash on my head. "Ow." I cried out and placed my hand on the back of my head, when I pulled it back to the front of my head, I wasn't surprised to see a crimson red substance dripping down my hand. 

"Are you okay?" A very small voice asked and I jumped when I saw Olivia; Ethan's little sister making her way over to me. 

"Olivia? What are you doing here?" I asked in complete confusion. 

"My daddy told me to stay here cause Ethan was here." 

I closed my eyes with a sigh, Ethan must not have known she was here and left without her. "Okay, are you hungry?" I asked and she shook her head no. I put the blankets down and picked her up before walking up the stairs and all the way out of the house to my car. I'd grabbed my little cousins car seat from the garage and  buckled Olivia up before I drove off for the nearest hospital. My head was oozing blood and that doesn't seem normal. I grew dizzier and dizzier and my vision got spotty the more I drove. 

"Stay awake, Olivia's in the car." I whispered to myself. About ten minutes later, we arrived at the hospital. I stumbled out of the car and grabbed Olivia's hand. I was going to call for someone but I left my phone at home. 

"Are you going to be okay Wiley?" Olivia asked softly and I nodded as my eyes fluttered open and closed. "Help!" Olivia tugged at a passing doctors coat. He stopped then his eyes fell on me. It wasn't hard to identify that there was blood in my blonde hair. 

"Let's get her into-" I didn't hear anything else he was saying, I felt my body collide with the ground and everything went dark, and silent. Well great. 

Try me, Mr. 'Bad Boy'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora