Try me// Chapter forty three// You're not going back.

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Try me// Chapter forty three// You're not going back.

Reed slowed his truck down a block away from my school. I didn't even say goodbye as I jumped out of the vehicle and bolted towards my school with tears dripping down my face. I'm going home. I slammed in through the doors.

"Hey! You need a pass- wait is that Riley Storms? Call the police!" I heard shouting as I turned down three different halls and busted into the cafeteria. 

"Riley! Riley honey wait we need to bring you to the police station!" The secretary yelled chasing me into the cafeteria. Gasps escaped everyone's lips and instantly Jasmine and Zander ran towards me with wide eyes. I ran up to Jasmine and tackled her in a hug, she had tears pouring down her face as well. I turned to Zander and embraced him in a hug as well. I wrapped my arms securely around him as if someone were going to rip me away. 

"Riley..Riley!" The goons tried to run over to me but the security guards held them back.

"You two go back to lunch, I'm going to take Riley back to the station, okay?" An officer came up to me and them. They nodded as the officers walked me outside. 

About three hours later, they finally contacted my parents and brought me home where my entire family was still. First, my mom pulled me into a hug as tears dripped down her face, "Oh my God, I was so worried." She cupped my face and ran her thumb along my cheek as she scanned me for any visible injury. My dad took my moms place and began to hug me and everyone hugged me at least once before the woman in charge of my case asked everyone except my parents to leave the room so they could talk to me. 

I made myself comfortable on the couch in between my parents and the officers stood near all the entrances in the house. "Okay, we're going to ask a few questions and we need you to answer one hundred percent honestly, okay?" 

I nodded, "You won't get in trouble for anything okay?" Dad said and mom agreed. I nodded once again then turned to face the officer. 

"Let's start with why you left the house in the first place." She sighed.

"Oh, I uh, I wanted to do something cool. That doesn't make sense," I shook my head and closed my eyes as I tried to phrase it right, "I guess I wanted to do something spontaneous."

"Were you planning to meet with anyone?" She asked and I shook my head no, "You were planning to go alone?" The surprise was evident on her face.

"Yea. Something cool that I know I did but no one else knows." I shrugged and she nodded. 

"Okay can you tell me about the moment you were taken hostage, do you remember where you were?" She asked. I hesitated before shaking my head no. 

"I got lost. Some man came out of no where and grabbed me, I was scared obviously but knew I had my phone so I stayed calm then they brought me to this cabin and I was told I was getting married to this man, I obviously panicked and I called Ethan when I had a chance-"

"Who's Ethan to you?" She cut me off curiously.

I glanced at my parents, "Uh- boyfriend...I guess." I ignored their burning stares then continued, "But he took my phone and smashed it."

"Ethan said you freaked out cause he had a gun then the phone went dead?" She asked me to explain.

"He had a gun, he didn't use it then he smashed my phone." I said.

She wrote it down then looked up at me with a sigh, "What happened during the two- well almost three weeks you were gone?"

I thought about it, "Nothing really. He practically ignored me unless he was asking for what I wanted for our wedding. I never gave him an answer."

"Did he hurt you in anyway?" I shook my head no. "Did he let you out of where he was holding you ever?"

"He let me have free range of the house. I just wasn't allowed out of the house. When I tried to run, he had people catch me then bring me right back." I said and she nodded.

The male officer cut in, 'Was there any landmarks anywhere that you noticed?" I shook my head no, "How did you escape?"

I was hesitant to respond and they all noticed, "They let me go." 

"Why?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged, "He told me he knew how scared my family must be because he would be scared too, so he let me go. He knew I wouldn't marry him." 

"Do you know who 'he' is?" The officers asked. Yes. I shook my head no. "Did you know his name?" I shook my head no. "Can you give us a brief description of this man?"

They asked me not to rat them out. He didn't want to leave his grandfathers house.

"Um, old, black hair, brown eyes, he had a tattoo on his shoulder. I don't know what it was though." The part of the tattoo was true, nothing else was. 

"Did he take any pictures or video of you?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, actually he took a few pictures after forcing me to try on wedding dresses."  I said and they wrote it down before standing up.

"Okay, we'll have a patrol guard outside for now so you know you're under protection at all times, and we'll be back to check up on you soon, okay?" She asked and I nodded. 

My father led the officers outside and my mom hugged me as my father closed the door. "Are you hungry?" Dad asked and I nodded.


We all stood up and they motioned for me to follow them. Half way through a silent dinner, the doorbell rang and my dad left to get it.

My eyes caught the Christmas tree in the corner of the family room and I felt sad suddenly, knowing Edison is going to be alone on Christmas. 

"Honey, are you okay?" My aunt Tyler asked me softly and I snapped back to reality with a nod.

"Be civil!" Dad yelled as he walked into the kitchen and all of our heads trailed to the door frame where Ethan stood. I dropped my fork and instantly got up and ran over to him. I wrapped myself around him and he spun me around as he held on tightly to me. 

"No. If I ever find out that you're with Ethan behind my back I will personally kill him with my two bare hands." Edison stated in all seriousness. 

"W-what?" I froze and looked up from my plate.

He nodded, "You heard me. Even if you escape, I won't go after you. I'll kill him. He's the reason you don't want me." 

He'll kill him...

My heart sped up at the thought and it suddenly became hard to breath. I backed away from Ethan and was practically shaking. What if he has Reed watching me and finds out?

"Riley?" Worry was evident in his voice and my mom came up to my side and looked at me with a face full of concern. 

"N-No you can't be near me..." I backed further away. "You need to leave before he finds out- You need to go now!" I was yelling at this point. I quieted down when I saw the fearful looks on all of my younger cousins and sister.

"Riley what are you talking about?" Dad asked and slowly stepped towards me.

Tears brimmed my eyes, "He's going to kill Ethan...No..No no no. Fuck! I have to go back!" I tried to run to the back door but my dad grabbed me and held me as I tried to kick free. "He's going to hurt Ethan! Dad you have to let me go! You don't know what he's capable of! You don't know what he will do!"

"You don't know what he's capable of either so if you go back he can-"

I cut my dad off and escaped from his grasp, "I know he's capable of making a son kill his own mother." I said as my hands trembled. Ethan's face drained of all color. "I need to go back, please. I'll be okay. I-I will..." I gulped and looked at my parents and Ethan, "H-He's nice to me and I'll be able to come back and visit after the wedding! He said so!"

"Riley! No! You're not going back." Dad yelled cutting me off. Ethan walked over to me, pushing past my father and just wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on the crown of my hair.

"Can we talk?" His voice was so quiet I could barely hear it. 

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