Try me// Chapter four// Today's events.

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Try me// Chapter four// Today's events.

I sat on the gym floor besides Emrie and Maggie as everyone was still chatting doing whatever it was they were doing. But when the door swung open and my dad stepped in and walked over to the coach, everyone seemed to go quiet.

"God damn that's your dad?" Emrie whispered with wide eyes while I swear I saw Maggie drool.

"You guys are gross. Yes that is my dad." I mumbled climbing to my two feet. All the girls were whispering about my dad as I walked over to him and the coach. An arm reached out and stopped me.

I froze when I saw it was the three guys who've been bugging me all day, they both had looks of fear etched on their faces, "T-that's your dad?"

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. Why are they so nervous? Do they know who he is?

I yanked my arm away from them and walked over to my dad and coach.

"I'm sorry about this, Riley. I'll try and figure out who it was, okay?" Coach said softly and I nodded as I shrugged my bag onto my shoulder. "Have a good day you two."

"Bye." I mumbled and walked past my dad towards the gym doors and straight down the hall to the main entrance.

"I'm sorry honey." Dad sighed as we pulled out of the parking lot. I stayed silent and stared out the window. I feel like if I try to talk, I'll start crying again. I'm sick of crying, it's all I do. We went through a drive through and got food before driving home in silence. "I'm warning you, Hayden had a half day today so she's home too."


When we arrived at the house, I climbed out with my backpack and dad grabbed our food and drinks. I opened the door and dropped my bag.

"Babe is that you?" Mom called out as we walked into the kitchen, "Riley?"

"Holy fuck dude what happened to your face?" Harvey laughed out and everyone turned to me.

My jaw clenched, "I did exactly what everyone's been telling me to do. I put myself out there then got fucking punched by some girl in the locker room."

"What did you say to make her so mad?" Hayden couldn't control her laughter.

"She didn't say anything. Someone was petty because your sister was instantly liked by the popular kids." Dad explained half of the story.

"Honey I'm so sorry," Mom said softly, "Did you at least make friends?"

I just nodded, "We're going to the movies tonight. If that's okay."

Mom nodded and I sat down at the table with my siblings and began to eat my food. They all stared mouth gaped then glared at my dad.

"Your mother made you guys lunch. We were hungry too." He defended and I snorted before taking a bite of my burger. Gabe reached for one of my fries and I slapped his hand away with a harsh glare.

"Rawr." He mumbled rubbing the back of his hand.

I rolled my eyes and my mom began to ask both Hayden and I questions about our new schools, Hayden loves it. I hate it. It's quite simple.

"So who are these girls you're going to the movies with? Are they nice?" Mom asked and I nodded.

"They're the only ones who would talk to me so yes. They're nice." I nodded and threw my empty soda cup in the trash. "I'm going to go call Jasmine." I sighed and mom nodded before I made my way up the stairs into my new room. I have nothing set up besides my bed and dresser. Everything else is in boxes still, I'm to lazy to unpack.

I pressed the facetime button on my phone before tossing it on my bed and opening up a box.

"Hey! Gimme the tea." She shouted and I let out a laugh before I began explaining today's events.

Try me, Mr. 'Bad Boy'Where stories live. Discover now