Try me// Chapter forty four// Promise me.

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Try me// Chapter forty four// Promise me.

Neither one of us said anything to anyone as we walked upstairs to my room. "Riley, I can explain-"

"No. It's okay, he told me that they forced you to do it.." I said cutting him off as he began to pace back and forth.

"Tell me his name. Give me the address I am going to kill that son of a-"

I grabbed Ethan's hand, "No, Ethan please don't hurt him." 

He looked at me in pure wonder, "He kidnapped my girl and is the reason my mom is dead." 

"He was fourteen. He's only eighteen. Please Ethan if you just met him you'd understand why he is the way he is. He's the son of the head elite." I said, practically begging him. "There is so many men protecting him you won't even be able to get near him without getting killed." 

His jaw clenched, "He took you, Riley. He was going to marry you for fucks sake!"

"But he let me go." I made him turn to look at me, "Ethan please, I'm okay. Everything's okay. He didn't hurt me." 

"I was so scared that I lost you. But now you're back, but scared to be near me." He said calmly. "I can handle myself, I don't want you worried about him hurting me. Promise me you won't worry about me." I didn't respond and he cupped my face, "Promise me." He repeated.

"I promise." I caved in with a sigh and placed my hands on his before removing them from my face and linking our hands together. I placed a kiss on his knuckles and gave him a small smile. He sighed and we both sat down on my bed.

"So, what exactly did you do the entire time you were there?" He asked, "And are those his clothes? Wait did you two-"

"No." I stated, "He kissed me like twice a  day and that's it. It wasn't anything long just a quick peck. And I never kissed him back I promise."

He closed his eyes with a sigh, "He's so lucky he's not dead right now." He grumbled and and I grinned at him. "What?"

I shrugged, "Nothing. You're just super duper cute." I held my hands up in defense and he scowled.

"I am not cute. I'm hot and sexy." He scoffed and I snorted. "It's true."

"Whatever you say." I said in a sing song voice and he narrowed his eyes at me which made me grin. 

"You know, I was right." He smirked.

I cocked an eyebrow, "About what, exactly?" 

"The good girl did fall in love with the bad boy." I scowled at his words and he just grinned and pressed a kiss against my lips. "Don't make that face, it's true."

"I am not a good girl." I defended. "And you're not bad."

"I'm a gang leader." He deadpanned and I shrugged.

"Fair enough." I snorted and wrapped my arms around his neck before pulling him closer to me and pressing a kiss against his lips. Instantly, he kissed back and placed his hands on my lower back, pulling me closer to him. Our lips molded together in perfect unison then my mom called me downstairs. I pulled away from Ethan and we both made our way downstairs.

"Ethan, can we have our daughter to ourselves for a little bit?" Mom asked him and he nodded, "Thank you."

"See you later," He smiled at me before turning heels and leaving. 

Try me, Mr. 'Bad Boy'Where stories live. Discover now