Try me// Chapter two// So you're a city girl.

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Try me// Chapter two// So you're a city girl.

"Wake up." Hayden groaned and tried to shake me awake. I swung my arm back to hit her in the face before burrowing further into the blanket burrito I'd created in attempts to make things harder for my family to wake me up. 

"Fight me, hoe." I yelled as she punched me in the face. I jumped up to lunge at her but a pair of hands rolled me off the bed not even a minute later. "Ow." I groaned and clutched my forehead. "You gotta betray me like this, dad? Seriously?" 

"If I have to wake up, so do you." Mom grumbled crossing her arms as she entered my new room.  "Hayden go get dressed." Hayden quickly scrambled out of the room and my dad sighed once he saw me. 

"Well you're definitely going to get a reputation like your fathers on the first day." He snorted.

Mom slapped him with a scowl, "Asher." She warned then turned to me. "You have a busted lip and a small bruise on your cheek. It's not bad. Now get up and get dressed." 

She went to turn but my dad held his arm out and scooped her up, "You're not going back to bed."

They began bickering and I grinned at the sight in front of me. I want to have a relationship as strong as theirs one day, they literally are the definition of goals. Their story is some cliche book you'd read on wattpad, it's great. 

"Okay. Get dressed hon, if you do I'll drive you to school and I'll get you coffee on the way." Dad sighed and I instantly jumped up. 

A collection of gasps came from the doorway and we all turned to see Theodore, Gabriel and Harvey with handfuls of waffles. 

"What are you guys doing?" Mom narrowed her eyes and theirs widened and they bolted down the hallway. She snorted, "They're grown men and still scared of me grounding them." 

Dad laughed and they both exited my room. I shut the door behind them and quickly changed into a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, and a blue flannel over it, I then put on my leather jacket and combat boots. I jumped up and walked over to my dresser and brushed my hair and put on some mascara then put on my blue hat and a scarf. I walked out of the room and spotted Hayden walking out of her room. 

We both froze then glanced at the bathroom door then back at each other. Instantly we both lunged towards the door. I managed to get in before her and locked the door. She banged on it, "Come on! You're such a bitch!" 

"I'm aware!" I said in a sing-song voice before I did everything I needed to in the bathroom. I finished brushing my teeth and using the bathroom then walked out. Hayden was standing there really annoyed and I smirked before I skipped down the stairs into the living room. I grabbed my backpack and called for my dad. 

"Coming!" He shouted back then appeared in front of me before we walked out of the door into the icy weather. I never knew it was even possible for Texas to get cold, just shows how well my education is.

I climbed in the passenger seat and we drove off to the nearest coffee shop. We ordered coffee's for everyone and a hot chocolate for Hayden before we drove to my school. I grabbed my backpack and coffee as I climbed out of the car.

"Okay. Text me if you need anything, alright?" He said and I nodded, "You nervous?"

I nodded once again, "Very."

"Just don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You'll be okay."

I gave him a small smile, "Bye dad." 

"Bye hon." He waved before driving off. I slipped my headphones in and began to play 'training wheels' by Melanie Martinez. 

The moment I turned to face the school, I noticed all eyes on me. I did my best not to tell them what there deal was as I walked towards the front doors. Just as I reached for the door handle, a hand swooped in and opened it for me. I looked up and saw an oddly tall guy in a Letterman's jacket smiling down at me. 

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