Try me// Chapter twelve// We're the adults now.

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Try me// Chapter twelve// We're the adults now.

It was seven in the morning and I woke up on the rug of Olivia's little 'play room'. She really was a sweetheart so when I woke up to see her in tears, it broke my heart a little bit.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked softly and instantly she embraced me in a hug as she sobbed into my shoulder, I rocked her then pulled her down onto my lap, "What happened? Did you have a bad dream?" I asked and she nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"M-My mommy w-was b-back a-and she was y-yelling at me with mean words."

My heart physically ached for this little angel, "What kind of mean words?" My voice was soft as I caressed her long brown hair as she hugged me.

"She was calling me things that daddy calls me. Stupid. Ugly. Worthless. Telling me to die." Her sobs grew louder and louder and I let out a breath. Her father said these things to her. "I don't wanna die."

"I know it's hard babe but you have to try and ignore your daddy and your bad dreams." I said softly, "They can rip you apart, bring you down to their size. But you know what?"

She looked up at me through watery eyes, "They will never get to the heart you hold inside." I pointed to her heart. "You're beautiful, wonderful, worth it and so so so intelligent."

"Are you sure?" She wiped her eyes and I nodded.

"Completely sure."

"Oh, hi guys." She said and my head turned to the direction she was looking in. I saw James and Ethan standing there, watching our every move. Olivia got up and walked over to Ethan. Mindlessly, he lifted her up but his gaze was still locked on me.

My cheeks turned bright red and I turned around and picked up my phone and bag. I walked into the little bathroom they had and quickly changed before I used some of the concealer Bailey gave me and covered up the bruises before tossing it back in my bag. I walked out to where everyone was while wearing my black crop top and ripped black skinny jeans, combat boots and leather jacket. James' eyes were instantly on me and my cheeks turned bright red as I pulled out my phone and checked my messages. My heart stopped when I saw how many text messages and missed calls I got from my parents, siblings, the Valencia's, Rhiannon, Jasmine, Jacob -Rhiannon's husband-, Zander, Dante, Jason, Emrie and Maggie.

"Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh my fucking God I'm dead..." I said with wide eyes and I showed them my phone.

"Um...Bailey! Just go home with her and say she slept at your house."

I shook my head, "Bad idea. I'll say I slept at your house but you do not want to be there when my dad is mad."

"Okay. Here," She added her number to my phone, "Have them call me. Okay?" She said and I nodded before running down the stairs and out the door. It took a half hour to get home and when I got there, the first thing I noticed was cop cars outside of my house.

"Shit." I said as I began to shake. I've never done anything this bad before...What the fuck is going on?

The moment I walked in, I noticed everyone. Including Jasmine and Zander and their families. Jasmine saw me and mouthed 'where were you?'. That's when I saw Emrie, Maggie, and their parents here too.

The officer spotted me first and quickly led me outside. "Sorry, I want to get your statement before all that madness happens." The young man said with a weak laugh, "Can you tell me what happened last night?"

"Oh. I went to Emrie's they said we were having a party and I was mad, but I said okay. Everything was fine until I walked back into the living room, I saw a bunch of people...doing drugs."

"I know, we tested them. It's okay." He said and I nodded.

"My best friend over dosed and died so I have no tolerance for drugs..I begged Emrie and Maggie not to do it, I literally had tears pouring down my face. But they still did it, then I got mad and sort of went like this." I showed him the motion, "And dumped it all over the floor. Everyone was pissed and I went outside then had a panic attack. I debated whether or not to call someone and stupidly decided against it."

"What started the fight?" He asked and I sighed.

"Some girl made a comment about me and I just...I snapped." I admitted, "I shoved her down then her friend started hitting me and this guy jumped in and it all just went by really fast."

"You don't seem to have any bruises though." He pointed out and I closed my eyes with a sigh before he motioned for me to follow him inside. This time, everyone noticed and began shouting all at once. "Hang on!" He shouted and the other officers calmed everyone down as he had an officer bring him a wet paper towel.

I tugged off my jacket revealing the bruises on my wrists and arms from the guy holding me down then I began to wipe the concealer off my face. When I was done, everyone in the room collectively gasped. "Now I understand why someone jumped in." He sighed before he took pictures of my bruises. "We're going to take your jacket back to the lab to see if there is in fact traces of cocaine on it. You should be fine though, everyone else's story is the same as yours. The only technicality we can get you on is shoving her down first but they jumped you. You have nothing to worry about. Where did you go after leaving the party?"

I nodded, "I slept over my friend Bailey's house. She didn't want me to get in trouble so she let me crash at her place."

"We're going to need her number," The woman officer said and I nodded and pulled up her number from my phone and read it off to them.

"Okay. I highly recommend getting a certified physician to check out these wounds, and I also recommend not going off on her. She did the right thing by getting rid of those drugs." The male officer said to my parents who nodded along to what they were saying. After a few minutes, they left as well as Emrie and Maggie. They gave me sad smiles at they left. After them the Valencia brother's left leaving my family, Jasmine's family, Zander's family and my brother's friends.

"Honey you gave us a fucking heart attack." Dad stated before pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." I murmured and my mom shook her head no.

"You did nothing wrong." Mom stated, "We adults will leave you kids alone now."

"How weird is it to say that?" Rhiannon giggled, "We're the adults now."

"I know!" Mom exasperated as they walked towards the kitchen. I looked at Jason, Dante, and Eric and they tackled me in hugs before practically disappearing.

Try me, Mr. 'Bad Boy'Where stories live. Discover now