Try me// Chapter twenty two// Whoa, did I miss something?

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Try me// Chapter twenty two// Whoa, did I miss something?

The stares we got from people when we pulled up to Rosie's diner were the funniest things I've seen in a while. Instantly I recognized some people from the Vice warehouse here, including Ethan, Vincent, James, and Damon. Which meant we're on Vice territory. 

They clearly had no clue who we were through the tinted windows, everyone began to crowd around the car as we came to a stop. 

"Damn I love driving with you in this car." Jasmine threw her head back in laughter and I smirked as I opened the car door and stepped out. I kept on my poker face as James, Damon, Vincent and Ethan began to choke on nothing, everyone else just seemed stunned.

I closed the door behind me and heard two other doors closing.

"Riley?" Bailey's eyes widened in shock. "Is this your car?"

I just nodded and walked over to her, walking past the guys. I really am pissed at them for just leaving me like that. "Yea. Hey," I waved at Mariana, Rocky, and Jayla who were behind her.

"So um, how did everything turn out after the night of the party?" She lowered her voice.

"I didn't get in trouble for anything, thanks to you actually, so thanks." I said and she nodded, "Well I should get back-"

"Wiley!" I heard a small voice giggle. I whipped around and saw Olivia waddling over to me.

"Hey girlie!" I felt my face lighten up as I knelt down to her height. She practically tackled me to the ground in a hug as she began  to rant about anything and everything.

"Okay, Olivia. Enough." Ethan stated and grabbed her hand. I got up and instantly put a poker face back on. "You look nice. Where are you heading?" He asked as his eyes skimmed my body. I was wearing a black dress and high heels with some makeup on, we were heading over to a warehouse party that Zander had heard about through Daniel.

 I clenched my jaw as Jasmine came up behind me and began singing 'Love Robbery' by Kalin and Myles. "Uh 5'2 with some attitude, it's all good 'cause, honestly, I think it's kinda cute."

Zander of course had to join in as he came up behind me and snaked an arm around my waist, "Last seen in a little black dress. Watch out for those eyes 'cause she's armed and dangerous."

I nudged Zander away and Jasmine continued, "Like bow." She threw her hands down and I bit back a grin as she swayed side to side, walking in red heels that matched her bright red dress. She grabbed my hands, flipped Ethan off then danced me over to the door. She can tell I dislike him so she automatically hates him too. 

We walked in and were led to a booth and received nasty scowls from elderly people who seemed to recognize me. No, I know they did. They were staring and whispering the name 'Storms' and 'Mayhem'.

I bit my lip and leaned my head against the booth as I heard the words that escaped peoples lips. I noticed Zander and Jasmine giving me sad looks as Ethan and all of them sat themselves down at the table besides us. 

"Are you okay?" Jasmine asked softly.

I shrugged, "It's just annoying."

"What is?" Zander cocked an eyebrow, "I'd be pissed."

"I am. You know, people think they know everything about us," I scoffed, "They think they know who we really are. That people like us, we're just gangsters and criminals. But how can you say that someone's really bad, When they do everything with a good heart?"

"I know, Ri." Jasmine sighed.

"We're each a 'criminal', but all we feel is love. And I mean, we feel love. What do all them know about love? Real love? Nothing. We do what they all do, protect and provide for our families, just in a different way." I stated growing angrier by the second.

"An illegal way." The old waitress spat in disgust. I went to get up but Zander held me down. "Oh come on, you can't be surprised that no one here in the south side of town don't like you. She's the reason one of our most well-loved and respected neighbors was sent to jail and killed himself because of her false accusations. Jamie was a good man." 

Nothing could hold me back now, Zander let go of me, not even  bothering to try. I jumped up to my two feet which gained the entire restaurants attention, "Listen here you old fucking hag. Jamie deserved to die." My words made everyone gasp. "What? Do you all think he deserves to live, and roam around freely for raping, and abusing my mother for years on end when she was in his care? She was seven." 

This silenced everyone, they must not have known about what he did. Even the old hag seemed stunned. 

"My mother is not a bad person. Nor is my father. They've made some bad decisions, yes, but it was only to protect my siblings and I from the way they grew up. Jamie was a pedophile. I don't care what any of you say, but I'm glad he's dead. One last pervert on the earth." I spat in disgust and the woman looked stunned.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"Yeah cause you never asked." Jasmine stated with a harsh glare before grabbing my hand and trying to drag me away but before we could even react we were in handcuffs. I noticed Zander was being dragged in the opposite direction from us and Jasmine was shouting as she was being dragged outside.

"Wait- wait no! We didn't do anything!" I yelled furiously and tried to fight against the familiar officer as he pulled me into the backroom. 

"What did I do?" I asked and he threw his hands up, not knowing.

"Public disturbance."

"If anyone should get arrested it's everyone who said those horrible things about my mother! This isn't fair!" I said to the male officer who talked to me when I got home the morning after the party.

"Riley, I know. I'm trying my best to get you guys off for this but you putting up a fight isn't going to help." He exasperated as a familiar face walked in the room.

"Whoa, did I miss something?" Ethan cocked an eyebrow motioning between the officer and I. We both rolled our eyes, "Look. No one is suing, nothing's happening so just let her go."

"Keep an eye on them, Jordan. You, get out." A man shoved Zander and Jasmine in the room then forced Ethan out. They glared harshly at the man before he walked out.

"Riley, we can't call our parents." Zander said in a whisper.

I closed my eyes with a sigh, "Jordan, we're just trying to have fun. You can take our handcuffs off, I promise we won't run." He gave me a suspicious look, "They hurt."

He hesitated but un-cuffed us, he saw the smirk on our faces and face palmed, "Please don't-" 

He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before we were running through the diner, laughing hysterically. Ethan, the goons and the girls stood mouths gaped as we sped past them, Zander grabbed an uneaten burger off a plate before we burst through the door and jumped into my car. 

"Hit it!" Jasmine yelled and I pressed my foot all the way down on the pedal.

Try me, Mr. 'Bad Boy'Where stories live. Discover now