Try me// Chapter thirty eight// I'm your devil.

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Try me// Chapter thirty eight// I'm your devil.

I couldn't contain my smile at the sight of my entire family here with me. It's been forever since we've all been in the same place. My parents, my brothers, Dante, Eric, Jason, Zander, Jasmine, Rhiannon, Jacob, Hayden, my Aunt Tyler and my Uncle Tyler were here with all of their seven kids. There's Serena who's seventeen, Greta who's sixteen, Wes who's fourteen, Maria and Caden are the twins and they're nine, and Iris is five. My Aunt Cameron and Uncle Marco were here too with their three kids Santiago who's five, Emma who's three and Carly their five month old daughter. My grandparents were here, Stephan and Carlos, Christian and Jude. Even Emrie, Maggie and their parents were here. It was the best surprise I could ask for.

I adjusted Carly on my waist as I laughed and ate cookies with Zander, Jasmine, Maggie and Emrie. 

"Riley!" My grandma waved me over. I excused myself from my friends before walking into the kitchen and taking a seat besides my aunts, uncles, Rhiannon, and Jude.

"Yes grandma?" I asked.

"Is anyone else joining us tonight? I need to know how much pizza to order." Mom asked with a sigh. 

My mouth gaped, "Oh...Uh, my friend Mack said he might swing by." 

"Mack?" Rhiannon said suggestively.

"No, no." I said as everyone began to shout about it, "He's the new kid in school and we became friends. That's all...also uh-" 

I was cut off by the doorbell ringing. "I'll get it!" I heard Serena call out. 

My eyes widened and I ran past everyone, "Serena! Wait-" It was too late, she stood their jaw dropped with Greta by her side. They both seemed extremely shocked.

"Riles why are your friends so hot?" Hayden spluttered out and my cheeks turned bright red. In the door frame stood Daniel, Mack, Ethan,  Vincent, Damon and James. 

"Holy fuck I call dibs on that one." Greta pointed at Ethan and my eyes widened. 

"No.  No dibs. They're all a no for you guys. Especially you Hayden, you're thirteen." I scowled at her and she rolled her eyes. 

"Riley ma wants to know what all the ruckus is-" Harvey stopped mid sentence and his jaw clenched at the sight. "You all need to leave. It's my little sisters birthday and I'm not dealing with this right now." 

Vincent rolled his eyes and held up a bag, "We're here for the birthday girl. We come in peace." 

"Riley?" My other brothers and parents walked over to the door frame.

"Dad what the fuck? Did you know about this?" Harvey growled motioning to the guys. 

Mom sighed, "Harvey honey, we'll talk about this later. We all will talk about this later. For now, be civil. All of you." She said to the Vice members too, "So help me God if any of you cause a scene I will-"

"Okay mom." I cut her off and stepped back, motioning for them to come inside. They all did and as they walked further in the house, everyone went silent. It must be so awkward for them. 

They all seemed uncomfortable, except Ethan who couldn't give two shits.

"I'll explain later, just relax." Mom stated to my aunts, uncles and grandparents who were all throwing vicious glares at them. 

Carly began crying and I cracked a smile, "Hey princess, relax." I said and rocked her until she calmed down. I handed her to my aunt then motioned for the guys to follow me into my room where all of us teens were sitting. "Go on in." I motioned for them to enter. I grabbed Ethan's wrist, "Not you. We need to talk." 

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him downstairs and through the crowd of my family. All eyes followed us as I dragged him outside to the side of the garage. "Why the fuck would you do this?" I asked him, "You have no idea what kind of uproar this is going to cause for me." 

He shrugged, "I told you I'd get you back somehow. You're mine, and you know it. You can't even deny it, I see the way you look at me, I made a mistake. An extremely drunken mistake that probably cost me the most important thing in my life." 

"What about Vice?" I deadpanned.

"Fuck Vice. You're more important. Way more important." He stated and I closed my eyes as I groaned. Why does he have to do this to me? "Riley I swear to God something like that will never happen again, just give me a chance and if it does happen, which it wont, but if it does I won't beg for you back.  But please. I'm going insane knowing you're out there waiting for some guy to swoop you off your feet but I want to be that guy."

I let out a breath, "Ethan-"

"You don't see it do you?" He let out a weak laugh, "You're my weakness. You're my angel,  and I'm your devil. We make the perfect couple. I mean we're both daredevils and sometimes I think that it's my fault that you're a total fucking lunatic, but it's not. And I mean who else is going to be willing to bail you out? You like to get your ass in any danger and I know how to get you out-"

"Ethan!" I shouted, shutting him up. He looked at me and I rolled my eyes before wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him down to my height. "Shut the fuck up." He grinned just before I pressed my lips against his.

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