Try me// Chapter forty// It's my reminiscing place.

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Try me// Chapter forty// It's my reminiscing place.

My entire family was staying over for the weekend so when I wanted to go out tonight it was nearly impossible and I had to sneak out of the house through the cellar doors that lead to the outside.

I don't know why but I felt an urge to do something spontaneous and completely out of character, but I don't want anyone to know. I want it to be a memory for me and me alone, just like an 'oh wow I actually did that' type of memory. 

I tightened my grip on my bag as I jumped down off the fence that led to private property, this was a few miles up north and we've always wondered what it was, so I'm going to find out. I sighed as I stepped on the crisp winter leaves, heading further into the property. I can only imagine what it is like growing up here, it must be so different from the way I was raised. In the city where I was born and brought up into are a lot of spots that I hold quite dear to me,for me I had a special place, I wonder if my mom had one here...I had a lot of special spots but this one stands away from the others. It was one of the few places that was still the same even though in all honesty time has left its mark, just like everywhere else. For others, it was maybe nothing special. It is just a small playground in the corner of one of the most important parts of the city, surrounded by trees and other kinds of vegetation. It is that kind of place that people don't give more than a quick glimpse to. Its swings, some of them not functioning anymore, are still there, maybe a little rusted by the passing time, but they are proof of it. They are proof of this non-stationary concept called time. They are still the same as the ones I and a lot of other children used to play on, however, they still manage to look good even compared to the new ones that have been built in the recent years. They create what someone would call an aesthetic contrast, a reminder that all of them will end up in the same way. Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was little and would just come here to play with Jasmine and Zander, go back to being the oblivious little girl I was. Even though I am not a child anymore, every time I think about back home it happens that I go in that spot quite often. Sometimes it is just a meeting point. Other times it is something more. It is the place where I go on my own, somehow strangely knowing that I will be safe in there no matter what. Even if I'm just thinking about it. It's quite strange, it is the place that helps me clear my brain and detoxicate myself from everything that usually happens. It's my reminiscing place.

"Hey! Hey you punk what the hell are you doing out here?" A deep voice growled. I froze for a moment then turned heels and bolted back towards the fence where I entered the property in the first place. I was about half way up when he grabbed my waist and yanked me down. "Reveal yourself." 

I rolled my eyes before pulling off my hood, "I was just curious about what was back here, I'm not here to do any damage. Promise."

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and I sighed as he yanked my backpack open and began to shuffle through it.Clearly he saw the cans of spray paint, . "Come with me." 

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