Try me// Chapter forty two// Breaks my heart.

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Try me// Chapter forty two// Breaks my heart.

"Ow." I winced as grease from the pan came flying up and hitting me in the arm. 

"You okay babe?" Edison called out. 

"Fine." I called back with a sigh. It's been two weeks since I've been here and I've learned after many escape attempts that its useless, Edison has people hidden all across the entire property. I was worried at first, thinking the worst like what my mom got, but Edison is kind of nice. He tries to be a gentlemen and for the most part he is except for the fact that he's keeping me prisoner until our wedding. Which is in two weeks. Once we're married, I'm free to go as long as I return home at the end of the day and avoid Ethan at all costs. He hates Ethan. He says he will kill him if he ever 'steals me from him'.

"Riley you're going to hurt yourself." Edison came up behind me and took the pan from my hands, "Go chill out, I'll finish dinner."

I didn't argue and made my way over to the couch and laid on it, pulling a blanket over me. It's freezing out. There was a knock on the door and I groaned and wrapped the blanket around me as I got up and walked towards the door, I clicked it open revealing Reed holding a tree. "What's this?"

"Christmas tree." He said as he pushed past me and began to set up the tree. I shrugged it off and looked out the door. I can run, but I won't even make it to the gate. I glanced back at Edison and Reed. This would be a much better scenario if it were Ethan and Jasmine rather than them. I closed the door and made my way back over to the couch. After a few minutes, Reed left and I got up and walked over to the kitchen and leaned against the counter besides Edison. 

"Yes, darling?" He sighed sarcastically. 

I just shrugged and watched him cook. I can't even lie, if he hadn't been holding me here against my will I probably would've been friends with him, I probably still can be friends with him after this, I feel bad for him. He has no one. After his grandfather died he completely broke, he was his lifeline, his best friend. He's been living out here alone for years, Alexander has assigned Reed to take care of his son and make sure he is fed and doing well, the other guys have slowly been hired by Edison himself since he began to make more and more money. It honestly breaks my heart to see someone broken down to the point where they want nothing to do with the outside world, and to the point where they force someone into marriage so they know they won't be alone. 

"Riley?" Edison's voice got quieter.

"Yes, Edison?" I asked and tilted my head.

"If I let you go...Will you come back to see me?" He was hesitant, "I know you won't here to be with me, but would you be my friend?"

I knitted my eyebrows together, "I mean..yeah probably, why?"

"I feel bad keeping you here for Christmas when your family is probably out, worried sick about you. I know I'd be." He said looking down. "So, if you want to. You can leave." He sighed shakily. 

My eyes widened and my heart sped up, "Really?" 

He nodded, "I'll have Reed drop you at school if you promise not to tell anyone it was me because I really don't want to leave this place." 

I nodded urgently and he pulled out his phone.

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