Try me// Chapter forty seven// You're always playing the victim!

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Try me// Chapter forty seven// You're always playing the victim!

"I cannot believe you have a cabin in Texas and didn't tell anyone." I mumbled as I scrolled through my email. 

"I come here when I don't want to deal with anyone's shit. I figured you needed this cabin right now more than me. I can't believe you're still with that jerk." He snorted and sat up behind me. 

I rolled my eyes, "You know nothing about him."

"I know that he's cheated on you once before with that girl and now he's texting her and ignoring you. That's enough to know he's a dick bag." Jason rolled his eyes. 

"There has to be an explanation." I tried to defend Ethan but it was useless.

He nodded slowly, "There is. He's a dick."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh wow I can win eighty thousand dollars just by clicking this button." I said sarcastically. 

"Eighty grand? Really?" He said sarcastically and I nodded. "Okay, it's been like two hours we should get back." He sat up and I followed his actions. "You're a lot different then the annoying little twerp you used to be,"

"Gee golly Jay! Thanks!" I said with fake enthusiasm and held up two thumbs as we made our way back outside to the car. On the way home we picked up pizza and snacks so we had an excuse for being out so long. My phone rang once again from someone and I didn't bother looking at the name as I declined it.

"Just try and explain, maybe I can help." Jason urged me. 

I sighed, "I feel disconnected, as if I am in a dream..It's weird cause I'm constantly like,  'Is this reality?' and God, half the time I wish it wasn't. I wish I could just wake up at home - happy. Not here in Texas. I just want to wake up and see the sunlight shining through my room from the window to my left. I just-  it's stupid."

"Sounds like depression." He stated with a sad smile, "You should talk to your mom."

I shook my head no, "I'm fine. I promise." I said and turned up the radio. Instantly I began to sing along to 'Hell nos and headphones' by Hailee Steinfeld.

"Hey, Riley. Can I ask you something?" He turned down the radio and I nodded. "Why'd you lie to the police about Edison?" I froze. "I heard you and Zander talking."

"I don't know. He didn't hurt me.." I said knitting my eyebrows together.

"You need to stop letting people walk all over you, especially that King kid." His hands gripped the steering wheel. 

"What should I do?" I groaned as we pulled in the driveway.

He sighed and put the car in park, "You know I can't answer that, Riles. You have to make that choice. All I'm going to say is that there are way better guys out there for you that have nothing to do with all the gang shit or whatever. He may be someone close to you, but you never know. Just think long and hard before you make a decision. Okay?"

I nodded as we climbed out of the car. I grabbed the bags of snacks and he grabbed the pizza's. Once we entered, everyone instantly jumped up and ran into the kitchen except Ethan who looked pissed. "What's your problem?" I crossed my arms at him.

"My problem is that you disappear with some guy for two hours without answering any of my texts or anyone's calls." He snapped and I rolled my eyes, "Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Don't tell me what to do." I barked back and he cocked an eyebrow.

"What's got you in a bad mood?" 

"Oh my God you're ridiculous." I let out a humorless laugh, "Jesus Christ, Ethan. You're my problem." 

He stood up, "What the fuck did I do?" 

"Gee Ethan what didn't you do?" I threw my hands up in annoyance, "Not only have you cheated and been a complete dick, you're texting and flirting with the girl you cheated on me with! And you're letting her touch you! Oh and to top it off, you ignored me when I tried to talk to you. All fucking day!" I yelled and he got just as fired up as me.

"Oh so I can't have friends?" He yelled back.

"Wow. Rich, Ethan." I snorted, "You? Friends? Please! You live for people to be scared of you! You don't even talk to any of these people! You just sleep with them and dump them without uttering a single word! And you can't just be friends with someone you slept with!" 

No one walked back into the living room, probably in fear of being thrown into the crossfire.

"Wow that's pretty hypocritical. You're friends with Zander." He stated matter of factly.

I gave him an incredulous look, "I never slept with Zander! I've never slept with anyone, actually!" I shouted. He seemed a bit stunned at my words but didn't back down. 

"I don't believe you." He stated and my eyes widened a bit. 

"Excuse me?" I let out a laugh, "Unlike some people in this house I don't go around sleeping with complete strangers for fun. I'm actually waiting." 

"Oh my God I can't fucking stand you sometimes! You always have to be right! You're always playing the victim!" 

My mouth gaped, "I am the victim! I was kidnapped smart one!" 

"Even before that! It's always about you! You're always blaming everyone for everything and you're so stubborn." He groaned out in annoyance and I shook my head.

"I'm not doing this." I held my hands up and made my way up the stairs to my room.

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