Try me// Chapter nineteen// You have your license right?

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Try me// Chapter nineteen// You have your license right?

"I can't do this." I stated and looked down at Ethan who was smirking. "Don't." 

"Just jump. I'll catch you." He sighed. 

"No you won't." I deadpanned and he nodded.

"True. Just step down here," He pointed and I followed his direction but my foot slipped, I didn't even realize it was wet until I went tumbling down. I waited for the force of falling from so high to hit me but it never came. I looked down and realized I was a few feet from the ground, and Ethan had caught me. He caught me. "Told you I'd catch you." 

I rolled my eyes at the grin that teased his lips. "Shut up. I snuck out. Can I go back to bed now?"

"You barely snuck out. I had to help you which proves this is your first time sneaking out. Come on." He motioned for me to follow him. I audibly groaned and trudged along behind him, still in my puppy pajama pants. I really should've changed. "Here." He tossed me a dress. My dress.

"Is this my dress?" My mouth gaped and he nodded. "Did you take this from my closet?" 

"Obviously. Change." He ordered. 

"I'm outside." I said incredulously.

"No one's awake."

"You are!" I pointed out. He sighed and turned around. I quickly changed camp style before balling up my pajama's and letting my hair down. "Done." 

He turned and his gaze lifted before he motioned to get in the car. I gulped and climbed in the passenger seat of the black car and he instantly began to speed off. "If I get caught I'm going to murder you." I stated.

A small laugh escaped his lips, "Okay princess. You do that." 

"I will. Don't test me." I defended.

"Mmhm. Sure." 

"I will! You have no idea what I'm capable of, Ethan." My voice lowered a bit and he noticed and knitted his eyebrows together.

"You're the oldest daughter of Noah Carson and Asher Storms. I'm sure I have a general gist of what you can do. You can fight, obviously..." He trailed trying to think of something else, "Shoot a gun I assume-"

"No. God no. My parents refuse to let me near one since I'm so clumsy. Besides, I'm trying to stay out of the life so I don't need to know." I explained.

Ethan looked at me, jaw dropped. "You're telling me. That they didn't think that you need to learn to defend yourself? You can be targeted."

"I'm aware." I sighed running a hand through my blonde hair.

"Well if you're going to be hanging around me you're going to need to know how to shoot." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"I know how to shoot it, I'm just not good. In any way shape or form." I elaborated as we pulled up to an unfamiliar building.

"Come on." 

I sighed and climbed out of the car besides Ethan. Instantly, all eyes were on us as we neared the building. I felt uneasy about the way some of these men were looking at me but I had to trust Ethan on this one. It was an old building, cars lined up in the parking lot and there were hundreds of people inside and out of the building.   

"Ethan- Riley?" A familiar voice said in shock. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw Vincent, James and Damon. I gave a curt wave with a poker face then continued to look around, I've  been to a place like this before. I've never been sure what exactly goes on here but-

"Riley? Riley what the fuck are you doing here?" A deep voice growled and I snapped back to reality. The guys seemed extremely confused as I turned around and came face to face with Dante; my brothers' best friend. 

"D-Dante." I gulped nervously.

"What the hell are you doing here? No- who are you here with?" He grabbed my arm and looked around. That's when I noticed that the guys were all gone. They fucking ditched me. Dicks. 

"No one." I lied, "I saw you leaving and was curious as to where you were going. Please don't tell anyone." I practically begged, "I was just looking to have some fun since this place has been nothing but a complete shit hole." 

He rubbed his forehead with a sigh, "God you're so lucky I love you."

"So..." I trailed off.

"Come on," He nudged his head motioning for me to follow. "You have your license right?" I nodded and he grinned, "You're our designated driver cause there's no way in hell I'm letting you drink." 

Try me, Mr. 'Bad Boy'Where stories live. Discover now