Try me// Chapter six// It is my business.

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Try me// Chapter six// It is my business.

I tapped my pencil impatiently as I waited for the bell to ring. Finally it did. I jumped up and ran out into the hall. I have study hall this period so I get to just leave. So that's what I do. I leave. I walked into the parking lot and let out a breath of relief. I walked down the stairs and froze when i saw James.

"Well well well. Look who we have here." James chuckled lowly and flicked his cigarette. I gulped and turned to leave but came face to face with Damon. I turned to go to the stairs but sure enough, there was Vincent.

"What do you guys want?" I found myself saying.

They all rolled their eyes, "You never answered our question."

"What question?" I knitted my eyebrows together.

"That question we asked you in the gym that day the chick punched you." Vincent stated and I was completely lost.

"What are you talking about?" I shook my head in confusion.

Damon clenched his jaw just as a car pulled up. Ethan appeared out of no where and looked at the guys as if asking them if they knew who it was. We were all confused until the window rolled down.

"Yo Riley." The man said and I narrowed my eyes to get a better look at the person. I have no clue who this is. Before I could open my mouth to speak, the two men climbed out of the car and walked towards us. The guys all backed up uncomfortably and Vincent's eyes widened.

"Guys he has a gun-" Before he could finish his sentence, there was a gun pressed against my head. I was petrified, but maintained a calm persona. My parents raised us kids to know what to do in these sort of situations. I slowly pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed Theodore's number and slipped the phone back in my pocket.

"Let me go." I stated calmly.

"Sorry, princess. No can do." The man with a gun pressed against my temple chuckled lowly. I bit back my tears and chewed on my bottom lip.

"What do you want?" I asked coolly and the other man rolled his eyes.

"Just do as we say or we kill her." The man whispered harshly in my ear and my breath hitched.

"W-Who?" I gulped nervously. I glanced up at the four boys who were watching every move they were making very closely.

The man held up a facetime call in front of my face. "Riley help me! Please! I couldn't do anything ! I couldn't call dad they took my phone-" The screen went black. I instantly filled woth fury.

"I didn't want to have to do this." I growled lowly and the goons looked scared, Ethan didn't. He didn't seem phased at all.

"Do what?" The man dug the gun further into my temple making me wince.

"I'm the daughter of Asher and Noah Storms." I stated and they looked confused still, "Mayhem. 204. And my uncle is in town." I said in a low whisper and realization hit them. "Did you really think that they'd let me go on living life with no way to defend myself?" I asked before I swiped under the mans ankle and disarmed his gun. I turned to the other man who was holding two guns at the boys, I kicked the back of his feet in and brought him to the ground. He hit his head and I quickly took the guns from his hands and held them at each of the guns at both of the men. My hands shook and I bit back my tears.

A hand grabbed my arm and took the guns from me. I turned around and saw Ethan. The other guys all seemed to have disappeared.

"Get out of here and don't come back." Ethan demanded, "Let the girl go."

They nodded, "Yes sir."

My mouth gaped as I watched them obey his orders and drive away. "I'm assume you're confused."

"No shit!" I spluttered in horror, "You set those guys up to kidnap my sister? What the fuck is wrong with you!" He didn't say anything and let me continue, "What kind of psychopathic person are you! You probably just scarred my sister for life!"

"I needed the truth." He stated simply, "You wouldn't straight up admit that you're the daughter of two of the most dangerous people on earth."

"Well no shit. It's embarrassing." I stated in a 'duh' tone. "I don't like having any part of that side of my life unless I need to. Like just now. So if you're looking for answers or some shit, I don't have them for you. I know nothing about that part of my family and I don't want to."

He tilted his head to the side and took a drag off his cigarette. "Do you know why your family moved at least?"

"My mom wanted to come home? I don't know. It's none of your business." I stated with my arms crossed.

"It is my business."

I scoffed, "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked incredulously.

"My name's Ethan. Ethan King." He stated before stomping his cigarette down on the ground , "Don't mention anything about me or my family name near your parents." and just like that, disappearing back into the school as my dad pulled up with my brothers, mom, and my moms friends Stephan and Carlos Valencia.

"Honey what happened?" Mom cupped my face and checked for any visible injury. All these questions were shot at me but I was stuck in my thoughts. Ethan King. What's so special about him?

"Come on," My brothers ushered me into the car and I saw Ethan and the goons watching us through the glass doors. My gaze refused to leave them as we drove off.

"You need to tell us exactly what happened so we can find Hayden." Stephan stated and I put my head in my hands.

"She's home. They let her go." I sighed and everyone went silent.

"What did you say to get them to let her go?"

I threw my arms up, not knowing. "I don't know. I managed to get the guns from them then they just let her go."

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