Try me// Chapter eleven// Cupcake?

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Try me// Chapter eleven// Cupcake?

"How did you do that?" I asked with wide eyes as Ethan approached me. He'd managed to sneak past all the officers and get in the house and grab my entire bag then run back to where I was.

He shrugged before tossing me the bag, "Let me see the file."

"Why?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"To destroy it." He stated.

I scoffed, "No."

If looks could kill, I'd be dead. "Give it to me. Now."

"No. This is going back where I took it from. And can you tell me why the fuck your father kidnapped me when I was an infant?" I asked and he looked confused.

"What? I don't know. I was like two."

"You're a senior?" I asked and he nodded. "I was not aware of that." I said as I held the file open, allowing him to skim through it. "I'm assuming this is why you didn't want my parents to know about you being in my school." I stated and he nodded once again.

"You didn't tell them, did you?" He asked narrowing his eyes and I scowled before shaking my head no as we approached the warehouse. I closed the file and slid it back into my bag. When we entered, he led me up the stairs to the third floor. The first and second were completely hollowed out, the third floor had a bunch of small couches, beanbags, a fridge, a rug, a few lamps, a big ass TV.

"Welcome to casa de la vice." James stated and a bunch of heads turned to me. I recognized the guys, James' dad, and then there were two other older men and a few teen aged girls. This definitely was not the only members of Vice. This was just the hangout.

Instantly, the older men jumped up and walked over to investigate what was going on.

"Son. Who's this?" One man's jaw clenched.

Ethan rolled his eyes, "Chill dad." He spat his name as if it were poison. My eyes widened a bit at his venomous tone but no one else seemed phased by it. "She's with me."

"You never bring you whores here. What happened to you two anyways?" Hector -I remembered his name from the file- said.

I sucked in a breath but Ethan held an arm out in front of me as if telling me not to bother. I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my wrist before leading me away from them. "That's my dad, James' dad Victor, and Quinton, my uncle."

"Who's this?" The four girls appeared in front of Ethan and I.

"That's Bailey, Mariana, Rocky, and Jayla." He stated and a little toddler ran over to him and held her arms up. He sighed and picked her up. "And this is Olivia. My little sister."

"We're leaving." Hector stated and everyone waved them off. "We'll be back in two weeks. Ethan make sure I get my money."

Ethan waved his hand and they all disappeared down the stairs.

Ethan's POV:

"Son. Who's this?" My dad asked with narrowed eyes.

I couldn't control my eye roll, "Chill dad. She's with me." I stated and this seemed to have gained the attention of Bailey, Mariana, Rocky and Jayla.

"You never bring you whores here. What happened to you two anyways?" My father snorted and I saw Riley step forwards a bit so I held my arm out in front of her to stop her from doing something she will regret. She's strong, but not that strong.

I grabbed her wrist and dragged her away from them. I really wish there was somewhere else I could've taken her. But there was no way in hell I was taking her back to the house. Those men see a pretty girl like Riley and they'll do anything to get her. "That's my dad, James' dad Victor, and Quinton, my uncle."

"Who's this?" The girls jumped in front of us, trying to be intimidating but it didn't affect me and clearly didn't affect Riley.

"That's Bailey, Mariana, Rocky, and Jayla." I introduced as my little sister ran towards me. I scooped her up in my arms, "And this is Olivia. My little sister."

"We're leaving." My dad spoke and no one cared. "We'll be back in two weeks. Ethan make sure I get my money."

I waved my hand telling him to go and they all slowly walked down the stairs. He'll leave for weeks at a time, ever since I was little. My mom was his anchor, she helped him control his temper and kept him at ease. Once Mayhem killed her, he went practically insane. Drugs were his new addiction along with sex with any woman he wanted. I'm sure he has many kids out there, Olivia's mom just didn't want her and dropped her off at my dads doorstep. He wasn't going to take care of her so I do my best to make sure she's taken care of when my dad's not around, and I try and protect her from seeing my dad doing drugs.

Olivia hopped from my arms and into Riley's then led her over to the little play area the guys and I set up for her.

"Since when did you start taking in strays?" Bailey cocked an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"She had no where else to go." Damon instantly jumped in at my defense.

"He doesn't have to explain to anyone. So back the fuck up." Vincent glared.

James bit back a laugh, we all hate them. With a burning passion. "Yo cupcake!" James yelled and Riley looked up.

"Cupcake?" Vincent asked curiously.

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