Try me// Chapter twenty seven// I'm an elite.

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Try me// Chapter twenty seven// I'm an elite.

"You're not gay, Daniel." I deadpanned once we got into his car and drove off, a sly smirk made it's way to his face.

"I'm very much aware of that. We really just need to work and you being around your boyfriend isn't going to help you concentrate. Also, what the actual fuck? I thought you guys barely talked." He asked me.

I threw my hands up in defense, "I didn't have much choice in the matter."

"Do you want to be with him? Like do you like him?" He asked curiously. "Your parents, both of yours will literally kill you if they find out about this. You're like the modern day Romeo and Juliet."

"That's what I said." I mumbled.

"He's going to take over Vice soon. In two weeks to be exact. This isn't going to end well for either one of you." He stated and my head snapped in his direction.

"What do you mean he's taking over in two weeks? Like as the leader?" I asked and he nodded.

"On his birthday. He's turning eighteen." He chuckled, "That's also when it becomes illegal. Then again everything he does is illegal."

He's a senior so that makes sense. But I didn't know he was taking over Vice...

We ended up stopping to get coffee and donuts before we drove off to the house and trudged up the stairs with a keyboard and guitar. When we walked on the floor, all eyes snapped to us. During the car ride, we started thinking up idea's and I had some old songs that we could incorporate in the project.

"Hey," Ethan mumbled and snaked an arm around my waist before placing a kiss on my forehead. Daniel scowled and I rolled my eyes before following him into the living room area. Vincent, Damon, James and Ethan all ended up sitting on the couches and trying to steal our donuts.

I slapped Ethan's hand away and he pretended to be hurt before stealing the donut I was in the process of biting. I huffed then sipped my large iced coffee, "Okay so what're we doing?" I asked Daniel as his eyes skimmed through my song book.

"Sing daddy's girl." He tossed me the book before setting up the keyboard.

"A-are you sure?" I asked awkwardly, I wrote this about Zander when we were together. The guys all noticed my discomfort but Daniel was oblivious.

"Yeah. Just do it." He sighed and began to play the keys and sang the intro, "Rich girl, and you've gone too far. 'Cause you know it don't matter anyway. You can rely on the old man's money. You can rely on the old man's money." Daniel obviously liked it so far, "It's a bitch, girl, but it's going too far 'cause you know it don't matter anyway. Say money, money won't get you too far, get you too far."

Everyone looked at me, waiting for me to sing. "You messed up, yeah you messed up bad. Rolled the dice on the life we had, played your tough guy game, you threw it all away...We had diamonds and we had pearls,. Champagne life like a daddy's girl. But the risks you take ain't worth the price you pay.." I paused and everyone seemed stunned at my words for some reason.

"Damn." James said with wide eyes.

I ignored him and continued, "I'll keep your secrets, I'll never tell, you know I'll ride with you right through the fire of hell...They got your number, but you're safe with me. Even if they lock you up and throw away the key.."

"Shit dude." I heard Vincent mumble.

I cracked a grin as I remembered the process of writing this song, "You know...I'll be there whenever you call. Oh I'll be there whenever you call. Oh no, I'll never let you down I hear your voice aloud in my heart/ Oh no, they'll never keep us apart...Oh no, I'll never let you down."

"Okay I love this." Daniel said with a grin.

I smiled and continued, "Rich girl got that bad boy love. Rich girl better run, run, run. Rich girl got that bad boy love. Rich girl keep running, running..." My eyes subconsciously found Ethan's, "Mansion, ransom, gangster man, can't wipe that blood right off your hands. Your Scarface heart ain't stopped me loving you babe...Con-man, wrong plan, how you fall. Got no more cash stashed in your walls, the Repo man got debts for your soul to pay."

"Okay slow it down," Daniel said and I nodded.

"Do I look pretty through all your tears? Can your diamond Rolex count the goddamn years? Was it worth it? Don't you miss me bad? Too late to trade it all for that one last chance."

"Okay..So I was thinking we can add another verse, then repeat the chorus then do the...Rich girl got that bad boy love. Rich girl better run, run, run. Rich girl got that bad boy love. Rich girl keep running, running...Rich girl got that bad boy love. Rich girl better run, run, run. Rich girl, rich girl. I'll never let you down!" He sang the last part and I nodded.

"I forgot about this one." I sighed and skimmed through the pages.

"When did you write it?" James asked me.

"About a year ago. I sang it at the elite-" I stopped short of my words and my mouth gaped, "I sang it at this event."

Ethan stiffened, "Elite? As in the elites.."

I chewed my nails and nodded,

"How the fuck are you connected to the Elites?" Vincent was taken aback.

"I uh-"

"Sorry, Daniel. I need to talk to Riley for a minute." Ethan's voice was cold as he grabbed my hand and began to drag me away.

"Ethan can we talk about this later I need to help Daniel-" I was cut off by his lips pressed against mine as soon as he shut the door.

"Oh, well then." I murmured when he pulled away.

"Riley I know you're sworn to secrecy or some shit but you have to tell me why and how you're connected to the elite's." He said softly.

"Ethan, my mom is an elite." I stated and his eyes widened, "My mom's best friends are elites...I'm an elite."

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