Try me// Chapter three// I'm coming right now.

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Try me// Chapter three// I'm coming right now.

By period three, I was ready to snap. To hit anyone that said anything to me at all. So much for 'nice students'. Those guys from the office this morning have been in all my classes and they haven't stopped torturing me. By torturing I mean, 'accidentally' hitting me, calling me such vile names, getting other people to laugh at me. It's been complete hell. The only good part about the day so far is shockingly gym class. And that's only because Daniel was in this class and stopped his friends from making jokes about me. Well, he stopped them until the three goons reappeared. Then he couldn't do anything. From what I've gathered so far, they're clearly the most fawned over guys in school and they're best friends with the most 'dangerous' kid in school. In the locker room, I heard girls talking about them, then I heard my name mentioned and instantly perked up.

"I don't know why Daniel is still trying with the new girl, Riley." One girl sighed, "I mean, yeah, she's fresh bait but she clearly isn't going to give it up for any of the guys here. She has higher standards."

"She's classy." Another one commented. "I like it." 

I couldn't see the people who were talking due to the wall of lockers between us and I wasn't getting up to see. 

"Classy but trashy." A new voice snorted.

"What do you mean? She hasn't done anything."

"Please. She's clearly a whore. I mean, no one is that oblivious to their good looks. She's probably one of those types that sleeps with older guys."

The same girls that were defending me earlier hesitantly agreed but then laughed, "How much do you want to bet that she's going to try and get with Ethan once he gets back."

"God. Like he'd go for some city slicker like her. She's white trash. I mean, did you- oh wow look it's the cat eater." A voice said and the others giggled. My mouth gaped in shock at her words as a small girl came around the corner rolling her eyes. 

"You're going to let them just talk to you like that?" I asked and she shrugged.

"You're going to let them call you white trash?" She retorted with a glare before turning heels and leaving the locker room and going into the gym. 

I shook my head in disbelief then made my way out into the gym, instantly people began to snort and whisper and I sighed before walking over to my new gym teacher. 

"You must be Riley." He stated and I nodded, he extended his hand and I shook it, "Nice to meet you Riley. I'm coach Susie. Here in gym class we pretty much do whatever as long as you're doing something to benefit your health." I nodded as he spoke and pointed around, "The guys tend to play a game of football or soccer, the girls just like to do stretches, some join in on the guys' games but they keep to themselves typically and walk. The cheerleaders practice their routines. It's basically a free period."

"Okay.." I said in confusion as he walked away. 

"Yo city girl!" Daniel called out then jogged over to my side. I huffed and turned to basically the only friend I'd made in this entire place so far. "You said you aren't good with cheer and dance stuff?"

I nodded and he narrowed his eyes, "I don't believe you."

My mouth gaped, "Bruh." 

"Come on." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me across the gym to the mats where cheerleaders were stretching. I chewed my lip anxiously, he's not going to make me talk to them right?

Music began to play from the speakers and I assumed the gym teacher put it on and I subconsciously began to move my feet to M.I.A.'s song 'Bad girls'. This is my jam.

"You don't have to talk to them. Just show me a cartwheel." He stated and I gave him a blank stare. He motioned for me to go and I rolled my eyes before doing a cartwheel. "Handstand." He stated and I got up the put my hands on the ground and held my body straight up then I gently brought my legs to the ground. "Walk over?" He asked and I sighed.

"Okay I lied. Tumbling is easy and so is dancing." I huffed and he grinned before backing up and motioning for me to show him. I backed up and pulled my hair up into a pony tail. 

"Annie!" Daniel called out and all the cheerleaders looked in my direction. 

"What, Daniel?" Annie huffed and came to his side while everyone looked at me. He just nodded towards me and she turned to me with a blank expression. 

I took a running start then did a front roll and a back roll then brought myself up into a handstand before I did a front walk over. I stood up then ran and did a triple front handspring and a double back hand spring. I landed then did a front tuck and a back tuck before I leaned  back and did a back  bend then switched it into a back walk over. I turned and did two cart wheels to get back to Daniel and his sister who both stood mouth gaped. 

"I'm leaving now." I stated in a monotone and began to do laps around the gym. Each time I looked over, I saw the entire cheer team awestruck and I felt a smile tug at my lips. 

"Hey." Someone caught up next to me and began running. 

"Hi." I said to the girls who approached either side of me. 

"What's your name?" They chorused. 

"Riley." I stated and they nodded.

"Cool. I'm Maggie and this is Emrie." The red head flashed a smile. 

Emrie spoke up, "So this is a very stupid question but we were wondering if you wanted to be our friend? We've noticed everyone's been mean to you and have been wanting a chance to talk to you but never caught up to you till now..."

I knitted my eyebrows together, "I don't need pity friends."

"No! God no. We don't have any friend, we're the quote on quote 'weirdos' of the school. We thought maybe since you didn't know anything about us that you might find us cool.." Maggie blurted and Emrie slapped her with wide eyes. 

"Oh...Okay then..Cool." I agreed and their faces lit up. 

"We're going to the movies tonight...Want to come with us?" Emrie asked and I nodded.

"Sure. What time?" I asked and they gave me all the information I needed before running off to talk to the coach. The moment they were gone, someone grabbed my arm and dragged me into the locker room. 

I felt a fist come flying to my face before I even got a chance to look at the person, "Stay the fuck away from Daniel. He's mine." The girl snapped before I opened my eyes and saw no one. I heard the door slam shut and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I broke down crying. I want to go home.

I pulled out my phone and dialed my dads number, after a few rings he picked up, "Riley? Is everything okay?" I couldn't control my sobs as I tried to explain and he didn't even need one before he spoke, "I'm coming right now."

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