Five years later

I lower the gun, my target hit. I blow hair out of my face and breathe heavy. 

Thump thump thump thump thump 

Suddenly arms wrap around me from behind and I laugh spinning around and pulling my headphones off. He presses his lips to mine and I smirk moving back some.

"What was that for?" I ask and he smirks.

"Happy birthday Neveah." He says and I smile feeling little arms wrap around my legs. I look down at my daughter and she smiles up at me.

"Hey baby." I say lifting her into my arms. 

"Finally getting your shot back." Shane says and I look over at the target board. 

"I am aren't I?" I ask and he smirks.

"You'll be allowed to work in the field again soon." He says and I look at Juliet. 

"Maybe at some point." I say looking back up at him. He smiles throwing his arm over my shoulders. We walk back up the stairs and I put my little monkey down. She runs to her doll house and I laugh then walk to the kitchen. A knock sounds on the door and I look up.

"Will you get that babe!?" I shout then see Shane stand up. He walks to the door as I bend down and pull dinner out of the oven. 

"Uncle Jason!" Juliette exclaims and I poke my head out of the kitchen. I smile walking over to Jason.

"Hey Jase."

"Sis." He says and I smile as he kisses me on the forehead then pulls me in for a hug. Him and Shane hit shoulders and I smile as another knock sounds.

"Don't break the glass!" I exclaim as Jason and Shane start to rough house. 

When I took time off of working at the institute for maternity leave, Jason took up his job again. Him and Shane got their partnership back and have been working back in the field for about three years now. To fill you in on Shane and I's life, we got married a year after the battle in our original institute. Our connection grew stronger and I learned how to control the darkness inside of me with his help. It's true when you hear that love is the strongest power of them all. Our powers grew and we rebuilt the institute and started fresh. However, I dropped out of the institute when I got pregnant a year and a half later with Juliette. I've been working behind the scenes while Jason and Shane do the actual work. I must say I've started to miss it some so I'm slowly trying to ease back into it. I have a daughter to raise now though, another soon too, and I want them to have the best life ever.

Thump thump thump thump thump

I force the sound to clear my head and walk the rest of the way to the door and pull it open with a smile.

"Hey." I say and Ace smiles pulling me in for a hug. He kisses my head and I back up as him, Olivia, and Layla walk in.

"Hey Oli- oh my god you're pregnant!" I exclaim going to give her a hug and noticing her belly.

"Six months." She says and I squeal.

"Oh my god you're glowing!" I exclaim and she laughs

"So are you." She says and I roll my eyes then turn to glare at Ace.

"Ace! Why didn't you tell me!?" I hiss and he shrugs with a grin. I smack him on the arm.

"And Olivia! What kind of best friend doesn't tell their best friend they're pregnant?!" I exclaim and she smirks.

"Sorry." She says and I sigh with a slight laugh.

"Did I hear pregnant?" Jason asks rushing into the room. I motion over to Olivia and she grins.

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