"Let's go." I jerk at Shane's grip as he yanks me from the car. He keeps his grip rough on me though and I wince at the bruises I know are forming. He shoves me before him as we walk back into our facility. He practically throws me into a cell and I lunge as the bars slam shut. I hit up against them trying to reach him. What I would give to tare out his throat right now. He just stands there on the other side of the bars staring at me as I back up. I throw my body at the bars but like I had already known, they don't bust. I growl as he continues to simply stare at me. 

"Get out." I growl 

"Get out!" I shout slamming against the bars again. He shifts his gaze from me then backs up. He hits the button that controls the door and I watch as he steps through. He turns back to face me as the doors slowly shut in front of him. I shout kicking the bars then turning and pacing back and forth.


I walk into the monitor room and over to General. She looks over at me as I look to the monitor of Neveah. 

"She finally stopped pacing." General says and I nod seeing her standing against the far wall with her arms crossed. She pushes off of the wall and walks to the bed in the corner. I watch as she sits down and looks up at the camera. She holds up her middle finger with a glare and mouths 'fuck ya'll'. 

"Quite a lady." General says standing up and walking past me. I smirk slightly.

"Keep an eye on her Shane. Time to run the first tests on the other two." She says and I nod.

"Oh and Shane-

I look over at her and she makes her way back over to me.

"I gave you another chance Shane. Don't blow it by letting your feelings get in the way, again... She's not a good girl. Or your girl." She says touching my arm then leaving. I fold my arms over my chest turning my attention back to Neveah. She lays down on the bed with her arms over her chest a look more so of boredom and annoyance then anything else. I look down at my left hand as it starts to shake.

"What the hell?" I mutter looking into the screen and seeing Neveah jerk straight up.

"What the hell?" I mutter again as she stands up and walks towards the wall. I clench my fist forcing it to stop shaking and peer into the monitor. I see her hold her right hand to her chest and lean against the wall. She lowers her hand and I notice it's shaking just like mine. She clenches her fist but unlike for me, that doesn't help hers to stop shaking. She turns and hits the wall and I flinch feeling the pain myself. She punches the wall again and I hiss in pain. One more punch and I watch as her hand starts to bleed. The pain is unbearable to me, but I'm not bleeding. She hits the wall again as if trying to stop the shaking. More blood starts to fall and I sprint from the room and run down the stairs. I turn to the cells hearing the thump as she continues to hit the wall.

"Stop stop stop! Why's it not stopping." I hear her hiss as I shove open the door.

"Neveah stop it!" I shout as the bars open for me. I run in and grab her hand before she can punch again and yank her back towards me. She screams jerking around like a wild woman. 

"For heaven's sake, Neveah!" I shout getting a good grip on her and spinning her to face me. She meets my eyes and glares shoving me back and moving her shaking and now wounded hand to her chest.

"What did you do to me!" She shouts as it starts to shake more violently. 

"Neveah, I didn't do anything." I say as she stares at her shaking hand.

"Why won't it stop!" She shrieks turning to face the wall again.

"Neveah!" I shout and she turns to face me.

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