I press my hand to the scanner and hear the click as the door unlocks. I walk in and head down the hall to Gregory's cell. I go through the last scanner and pull his door open.

"How'd you do it Gregory? Manipulation?" I ask shutting the door behind me. He keeps his back to me as I lean back against the wall.

"Did you manipulate someone to murder your wife and daughter!?" I shout

"Jocelyn and Josephine are dead?" He asks whipping around to face me.

"Oh don't act surprised that's the most pitiful act of them all." I spit and he shakes his head wildly.

"No, no, I would never kill them."

"Yet you whip them and reek fear within them!?" I shout and he shakes his head wildly.

"No no no no no no no." He says starting to rock back and forth.

"Jocelyn, my Jocelyn." He whispers then looks up at me, tears trailing down his cheeks.

"I would never kill them."

"Yet you hurt them over and over again." I hiss and he shakes his head.

"No no you don't understand."

"I don't understand!? Please let's not forget that I'm the one who found you with glass shattered at your feet and the belt held in your grip! Remember I'm the one who saw your daughter and wife sobbing on the floor!"

"No no no no no!"

"I'm the one who saw the snake Gregory! I'm the one who saw the lives you are going to take! I'm the one who saw the images!" I shout clenching my fists.

"Wait, images? You saw them too?" He asks and I stare at him completely confused.

"You saw them?" He hisses and I nod.

"What did you see? You have to tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"No you don't understand! Please, what did you see!?"

"I- I saw a girl in a fire. I saw a pool of blood. I saw your name, your files, your kills." I whisper and he shakes his head

"No no, that wasn't me. Those weren't me."

"What are you saying Gregory?"

"Listen, don't believe anything else, but I need you to believe me when I say I did not kill my wife and daughter!"

"You hit them, you took them hostage. How am I supposed to believe you!?" I shout

"You know what I am. I'm not denying it. I'm not denying manipulation. I'm not denying anything, but the fact that I did not kill my family, and I did not kill and will not kill those people you saw in your flash. You know supernatural, but you don't know this supernatural. There's more to the story then you've read."

"Then tell me." I hiss

"I can't. I can't do that."


"Because he'll never free us." He whispers

"Who? Gregory who?"

"I didn't kill them. I didn't kill them."

"Then I need you to tell me who did." I hiss and he shakes his head.

"It's too late now." He says and I gasp as his eyes suddenly snap to solid black.


"I didn't do it." He says and I scream as blood suddenly splatters all over me. I look infront of me and breathe heavy, my heart uncontrollably beating at the grisly scene right there. I'm in too much shock to fully focus on what just happened.

"Neveah!" Shane shouts in my mind but I can't answer.


I hear feet pounding on the floor outside and I hear the first door open. The footsteps sound again and the door behind me opens.

"Oh hell." Shane hisses as other footsteps sound.

"He didn't do it. He didn't kill them." I whisper as someone pulls me back. I finally focus on who it is and flip.

"No! Get off me." I hiss shoving away from Ace. He quickly let's me go and I shake my head backing away from the unbearable scene.

"He didn't do it." I whisper stumbling back.

"Neveah, hey, we need to get you cleaned up." Shane says but I don't hear him. I'm too focused on the terrible image.

"Neveah, listen to me. You're in shock I need you to snap out of it."

I blink my eyes and everything comes back to me. I finally gain focus on Shane, Ace, and Jackson.

"I uh- I'm going to go get cleaned up." I say then turn and walk back down the hallway.

"I'll come check on you later."

I don't respond as I push open the door and rush to the bathroom.


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