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My eyes snap open as a creek sounds outside of my bedroom door. The knob starts to turn and I stand up and grab my pistol from my drawer. I walk towards the door and move behind it as the door opens. I watch as a figure steps into my room and heads towards my bed.

They reach it and I slam my door shut and aim it at the back of their head.

"Hands up and knees down now!" I shout and it laughs moving down.

"Hopefully those two boy toys are just as smart." She hisses

"What did you do to them?"

"Me, nothing. My job was you, there's others visiting them." She says

"Shane, Shane wake up. You got company." I hiss in my brain

"Yeah... Too late on that bit." He responds then I hear the glass shattering. I whip my attention to the door and gasp as something suddenly slams into me. My gun flies from my hand as I go through the door. I land unhappily on my back and watch her lunge at me. I roll out of the way as a knife slams down at me and I kick up. I jump to my feet and block her blow. Grunts and curses sound from Ace downstairs and Shane down the hall. She shoves me back and I flip over the rail then swing back up and slam my feet into her. She stumbles back and her hood falls off.

"You're human!" I shout but that doesn't stop her from attacking me again. I grab the fabric on her cloak and swing her towards the wall. She slams into the wall and growls ripping it off.

"Why are you attacking us! We're on your side!" I shout ducking as she lunges. She gets a kick in on the back of my head and I groan landing on the ground. I hear the metal of a knife scrape as she pulls is from its holster. She slams it down at me and I spin blocking it with my fists. She puts as much weight and pressure down on it as she can and I clench my jaw as it gets closer and closer to my face. With a shout I shove it away and slide my foot under hers. She falls to her back and I catch the knife right above her heart as it flies from her hands. She looks at me wide eyed as I spit blood from my mouth and wipe it from my nose.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us?" She stays silent

I grab my gun out throwing the knife away, and aim it at her with the bullets in place.

"I'm a hella good shot. Now let's try again. Who are you and why are you attacking us?" I hiss and she looks up at me pushing up to her elbows.

"My name is Olivia Brant. This is my team and we were told to attack you. We weren't given a choice." She says

"But why, you're human." I say

"Not for long." She says and I lower the gun and look over as Shane knocks out the guy attacking him with a rough kick to the temple.

"What the hell are you doing Neveah? They're the bad guys."

"We're not the bad guys." Olivia says and Shane and I both whip our attention to her.

"You intercepted our line?" I ask and she nods

"I told you, I'm not human for much longer." She says as Ace runs up the stairs.

"Why is she still breathing!?" He shouts and I glare at him.

"Get up." I say to her and she holds her hands up and slowly stands. My eyes land on the tattoo on her arm and I curse. Images slam into me, the same images that I saw with Gregory.

"You work with Greg." I breathe out.

"Worked." She corrects me and I nod

"I see your gift is strengthening."

Stone ColdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon