Tears trail down my cheeks and I force myself to not let a sob escape. It tares at my throat, but I won't let it out. I can't remember the last time I ever cried, especially not like this. My head, my chest, my throat, my stomach, everything aches. It's literally tearing at me to let these tears fall.


Why is that the only emotion that will do something to me?

I feel the tears slowly dry and I slide down in my bed and curl around a pillow. I hold my hands out and watch as the magic circles within them. I open and shut my palms, the light sparking to life then blowing out. A knock sounds on my door and I slowly look up as Shane steps in. No point in even trying to hide my tear stained and fluffy cheeks.

"Look, I'm not really in the mood for you right now. Make this quick, then get out." I say shutting off my magic.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?" I hiss as he doesn't even move an inch! He stays silent and I scoff then get off the bed and walk over to him.

"Fine, I'll do the talking. You're a fuckin jackass!" I shout

"You kiss me then treat me like shit? What the hell!? Mr. I'm not Ace! You're right, you're worse. Atleast he had the decency to feel guilty after breaking my heart and apologized! No, not you! You fuckin stand here, right before me, seeing the hurt written all over my face yet say nothing! This hurts like hell and I don't get why it does or why I even fuckin care! But I do, so much! I care so god damn much! Fuck you!" I shout shoving him.

He stands there completely unphased and that only pisses me off more.

"How can you do this!? Stand right infront of me and not even flinch! I scream and shove you yet you just stand there with your god damn eyes looking at me!" I shout the tears coming back

"You know what, fuck you!" I scream then spin and storm over to my bed.

"Are you done?" He asks and I flip spinning on him.

"You son of a bitch! You've got balls!" I shout rushing and shoving him again. He catches my fist as I go to punch him and I look up at him angry tears falling from my eyes.

"I am sorry." He mumbles and I shake my head stepping back

"Sorry for what? Your heart? Your pretending to care for me? Or how about your lies? Yeah that's right, I heard you're little convo with General! What are you keeping from me Shane?!" I hiss and actually get a reaction this time.

"You heard that?"

"Yes, I did."

"You didn't say anything to me."

"No, because I was hoping maybe my ears were just deceiving me. They're not though, are they?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"It's about my mother isn't it?"

"I can't tell you-

"Isn't it!?" I shout and he looks back at me.

"She's not dead Neveah, she never was."

"Then where is she!? What happened to her!?" I shout

"She was attacked and taken into captivity."

"By who?" I bite out

"By light forces." He sighs

"Which ones?"

"The ones we all are working for." He says

"Why? Why her? What did they do to her?"

"They feared she would turn you dark. They didn't want to lose you on our side."

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