"You sure this'll work?"

"Whatever happens, you get your sister." I mutter back as she handcuffs my hands behind my back.

"I will." She says and I nod

"Shane and Ace will be far enough away to not gain attention, but close enough to be able to step in. This is going to work." I say and she nods.

"What about him?"

"Your partner?" I ask and she nods

"We swept his memory, he won't remember anything except that he captured me when he wakes up." I say and she nods as Shane throws him into the car.

"Good. Now punch me."

"What?" She hisses

"Punch me, split my lip. It needs to look like I put up a fight." I say and she rubs her arms.

"Just do it." I say and she huffs but in the end, does just that. She splits my lip then quickly drops her fist. I lick my lip tasting the blood and nod. I can sense Shane's anger but ignore him.

"Good." I say as she climbs into the driver's side and I the back seat.

"I have your back Neveah." Shane whispers and I look at Olivia, but she doesn't seem to have heard it.

"Is she hearing us?"

"No, I put up a blockage."

"Doesn't that drain you?"

"I'll be ok, it's worth it. I'm right here Neveah, I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He says as Ace shuts my door.

"I know." I mumble hearing him start up the motorcycle. I look at him out the window and he nods at me before putting the helmet on. Ace climbs onto the second motorcycle and nods as well.

"Alright, we're all set. Let's go." I say and Olivia nods starting the car.


Olivia's partner woke up just in time. Everything is going according to plan right now, he thinks he captured me, nothing more. She yanks me out of the car and I huff as she shoves me roughly towards the dock.

Two buff and tall men step forward, weapons drawn.

"Boss knows I'm here get out of my way." She hisses and they back off.

"Two tall buff men guarding entrance."

"I see them."

"You got eyes on me?" I ask

"Yes, look to your right."

I tilt my head ever so slightly and find Shane crouched hidden in darkness to my right. To my left, Ace.

"I see you."

"Good, you got your knives?"

"She gets her sister first before we do anything."

"I don't trust her."

"You don't have to, I do."

I pull from our connection so I can focus as we come to a stop about two hundred feet from a large black limo.

"Olivia. Someone who didn't fail the boss." A voice sounds and she tightens her grip on me.

"Well, hand her over." The voice comes again, this time from a figure now before us.

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