Three hours after we get home it's time to get club ready. Olivia of course does my hair and makeup then has me pull on my dress without looking into the mirror.

"Oh my god!" She squeals taking me all in.

"Can I look yet?" I ask and she spins me around. I look into the mirror and instantly can hardly recognize myself. I've never worn this much makeup, actually I've never worn much of any makeup in my entire life. Plus the brown colored contacts literally make me look like a different person.

"You're a miracle worker."

"Oh stop it, you and I both know you were gorgeous before it. This just highlights your features more." She says and I smile.

A dusty brown and sparkly cat eye look is the eyemakeup she gave me. It makes my eyes pop and the color looks great with the goldish heels I'm going to be wearing. On my lips she put on some shiny lipgloss to coat over the darker red lipstick below. My cheeks have blush and bronzer dusted over them making my cheek bones once again pop, and my jawline more noticeable. My hair though, is my favorite part. She left it all the way down but gave it more volume and bounce. The curls are more pronounced and my hair waves around my face perfectly.

"Hang on." She says braiding some hair back and clipping it at the back of my head then smiles.

"That's better."

"You went all out."

"I never don't." She says and I laugh pulling on the heels.

"You're all good." She says and I nod taking the clutch she hands me. I open it and grin.

"Nice." I say seeing the pistol and three knives she put in alongside my fake ID.

"Put this in your top so you can pull it out easier." She says grabbing my ID. I take it from her and slide it into my bra then close my clutch.

"Let's go Neveah! We're going to miss the party at this rate!" Shane hisses in my mind. I choose to ignore him though.

"Alright, time for the big reveal." She says and I roll my eyes as we leave her room. We head down the stairs and when I reach the last step Shane and Ace turn from the TV. Ace's mouth drops open, while I see how Shane is feeling in his eyes.

"God damn." Ace breathes out and suddenly a woof of anger slams into me and I bite my cheek at how bad it is.

"Shane." I hiss out and his eyes meet mine. The anger vanishes some, but I can still sense it.

"Doesn't she look hot?" Olivia asks

"Hell yeah." Ace says and there's that anger again.

"You look good Neveah." Shane says out loud and I smile.

"Good? Not good, hot. Man you get to have her on your arm all night. You're one lucky bastard." Ace says and I glare at him.

"You ready?" Shane asks ignoring Ace and I nod hooking my arm through his.

They're talking about me looking hot, but honestly I think Shane looks better then me. Sexy and mysterious. Just like Olivia said.

"Alright, you kids have fun. I'll stay on the mic and tell you where to go and where to be." She says as little feet sound on the stairs.

"Olivia!" Layla calls and I nod up the stairs.

"I think that's your cue." I say and she nods as we turn and leave.


Ace goes in about fifteen minutes before us so he can blend in and get set up. Shane and I stay in the car fixing our earpieces.

"Neveah, you do look really pretty."

"Great to know you noticed." I say and he smiles awkwardly.


"Why are you worried?" I ask and he looks at me.

"About this mission."

"BS, you're never worried about a mission. What's up? We still have five minutes before we head in." I say and he shrugs

"I just didn't want you to think I didn't notice how amazing you look tonight."

"Shane, is this about Ace?" He stays silent and shifts his gaze away.

"Shane." I say and he looks over at me

"You're not Ace, I don't expect you to be all crazy and out like he is. I know that's not you. So don't worry about it. Honestly, he's a handful sometimes." I say and he laughs.

"Okay. You do look amazing though."

"Thank you. Alright, time is up. You ready to go?" I ask and he nods.

"Alright, game face time." I say then we climb out of the car. I hook my arm through his as we walk to the front. The bouncer turns to look at us and Shane holds his ID up and I pull mine from my bra.


"You're good." The bouncer says looking me up and down one last time then opening the door to us before I even have pulled my ID out. We slip on in and I shift towards Shane.

"You felt that too, didn't you?" I whisper into his ear and he nods with a nasty look.

"I'm going to be dealing with that all night." He says and I smirk

"Put a block up then." I say and he shakes his head.

"I'll survive."

I smirk walking him over to the bar. Ace turns to face us and hands me a beer.

"There's a tracker in it." Ace says and I nod taking the beer and drinking it.

"How long does it last?" I ask

"24 hours." He says and I nod giving a gross look as I swallow the beer with a gag.

"Oh that's just awful!" I mumble and Ace smirks handing one to Shane. He chugs it without a problem and I gag at how easily he drank it.

"That's disgusting." I say and he shrugs

"You can have all my drinks." I say and Shane smirks.

"Neveah, you copy?" Olivia's voice sounds in my ear.

"Yep, I gotchu." I say into the ring on my finger.

"Ok, I tried. But my telepathic connection won't stretch that far." She says

"That's fine, don't hurt yourself. What's my first move?"

"There's a man to your right, if he sees you it's game over. His name is Ashton Walker. He'll instantly know who you are. He's trained to pick you out, even with those contacts and makeup. He'd know."

"Anyone else who will?"

"Except for possibly your brother? None that I know of. Just be careful, and when you spot Jason, catch him off guard. Don't let him see you first."

"Got it." I mutter then nod over at the guy to Shane.

"He'll recognize me, watch my back." I say and he nods as I leave my clutch with him and slide off the stool to blend into the crowd.

Come on Jason, where are you?


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