He leads me down a long windy hall then shoves me into a room. I keep myself from falling then spin around as the door slams shut.

"Neveah, take a seat."

I shift my gaze to the chairs and slowly walk over.

"Show yourself." I hiss looking around

"Sit please." They say and knowing I have no other choice I quickly oblige.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been stabbed repeatedly with needles... Oh wait, I have." I say and they slightly laugh.

"I always enjoy your sass."

"Who are you?" I ask, now just annoyed. A screen whips my way and I gasp as it stops right in front of me. It lights up and I stare at it confused.

"What is thi- mom." I whisper as she appears

"Neveah, by the time you are hearing this, I will be long gone."

"What is this some sort of joke?" I hiss looking away from my mother as she talks from the screen

"Watch." I slowly look back at the screen.

"This world is dangerous. Secrets are around every corner and a war is blooming behind every door. I wish I had told you more and trained you more while I was still around, but I was hoping you'd escape this life. I need you to know, everything I've done and continue to do, is for you. You are so important to me and I'm so sorry I haven't said it to your face. I love you so much Neveah, and it tares me apart to have to do this. There are too many things I left unknown to you and I am so sorry that that's been the case. I know you are in good hands though, I just hope that hasn't changed. Secrets are a dangerous thing. They can make or break someone at any moment. I need you to know this one truth... I am not the woman you always thought I was. I am dangerous and they all know it. You and I both are very very special to this world baby. So special that it's going to keep us in danger for the rest of our lives. People will use you and experiment on you. They will take advantage of you and turn on you in a second. You can't just trust anyone. You're so smart Neveah, and you are so so beautiful and strong. That I know for a fact. I also know that you have a big heart, a heart that you will hand to anyone who acts like they deserve it. You are someone who will fight the demons you see in the flesh, but never realize the ones standing right by your-

I stare in confusion as the screen pauses and shuts down.

"No, no it wasn't over." I say as the screen vanishes. Footsteps sound and I look up as a woman steps forward. Her hands are clasped before her. Her face comes into view, gentle features with slight wrinkles around her lips. Her eyes are a warm hazel and her build is slim.

"That's all you needed to hear." She says stopping by the desk in front of me. She leans back and looks over at me.

"Hello Neveah." She says gently

"Who are you?" I ask once again

"My name is Felicia. I am the head of this institute."


"Medical and scientific institute to be exact."

"What exactly is that?"

"We are in charge of the supernatural realm. Young scientists, trainers, and creators trying to find a way to alter the mutants' and humans' existences and beings forever."

"I'm not following."

"It's not a problem. That truly is the least of your concerns. You should be more focused on your part in this experiment."

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