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Shane's POV

I blink open my eyes and feel a weight on my lap. I look down finding Neveah. I grab the remote and quietly turn off the TV. She groans but stays asleep rolling over. I hear footsteps on the stairs and look up as Olivia comes down.

"Good morning." She says and I nod

"She doing better?" She asks motioning to Neveah.

"Yeah, I think it just really shook her up."

"I don't see why it wouldn't have. That must've been heartbreaking." She whispers and I nod brushing hair from Neveah's face and smiling gently.

"She's strong. I know she'll push through it." I say looking back up at Olivia.

"I'm sure she will. Especially with a great partner like you." She says then with a smile heads into the kitchen. I shift my gaze back down to Neveah, my eyes scanning over her face. I open up my thoughts and feelings, not keeping a thing to myself, but knowing that in the end, she's not hearing or seeing any of it. She'll wake up, and nothing will have changed. Just like how it has to be.


Love, want, lust, need... Hurt.

My eyes snap open and I find my head on the couch. I blink several times before sitting up and popping my neck. I hear talking in the kitchen and I stand up and head that way. I step into the kitchen and see General on screen.

"Agent Williams. Nice to see you awake." She says and Ace and Shane turn to face me.

"General, what a surprise. But why wasn't I called in?" I ask

"We didn't want to involve you in the debriefing on, well, your brother." Ace says

"I can handle it. I'm a big girl." I say and Shane hides a smirk as I sit beside him.

"Where's Olivia?"

"Upstairs with Layla."

I nod pulling from our connection and looking up at General.

"Well then, let's get this thing on the road." She says and I nod. Ace begins first.

"Jason Williams was killed in 2010 alongside Vanessa and Stephen Williams. They were attacked by possibly the same exact men who are going around killing innocents right now. For some reason, Jason was revived to darkness. I don't know if they needed him or what, but he seems fine with the choice, there was no obvious lack of control or hatred. He seemed happy from what I saw. But I only saw him for a few moments before I had to take Olivia and Layla to safety." Ace concludes and General nods at Shane.

"And you?"

"I'm in agreement with Ace. Jason seemed thrilled with his new life. Nothing seemed to be holding him back. He gave no signs of help needed or wanting to be freed. And as his ex partner I know his signs when he's in need of help. It's as if the darkness literally makes him happy." He finishes then general shifts to face me.


A monster...

I know Shane heard my thought because he gently slides his hand under the table and places it on my knee to comfort me.

"Neveah?" General asks again and I take a deep breath.

"I- I saw Jason. I saw my older brother standing before me, he looked vulnerable and scared at that first look. The closer I looked though, and the more he spoke, the more I realized that the man infront of me wasn't Jason. He sided with the people that killed our parents. Why? I don't know, but he did. Yet when I stood before him, my gun aimed directly at his head, I couldn't pull the trigger." I whisper and she nods as Shane keeps his hand on my knee.

"According to the file you turned in to me, Jason and his men just vanished, is this correct?"

They sent a file? What, was I asleep through that all?

"Correct?" She asks and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Yes." I say and she nods

"Did Jason have any gifts that you could tell Agent Stone?"

"No, aside from the vanishing trick there seemed to be nothing, and all of his men were human. Agent Williams easily threw them back, they couldn't deflect at all." Shane says

"So basically all we've learned is that Jason is a new recruit of Evil. He has no gifts that we know of, and whoever his boss is, is one step ahead of us."

"I disagree with the last part." I butt in and she looks over at me.

"And why is that?"

"I know my brother, and I know how he works. All of these attacks have only been a few miles apart. Jason will not step out of his comfort zone yet. If he truly was revived to darkness they obviously need him for some reason, so they're going to attack where he's most comfortable at. In the city." I say

"And exactly where in the city?"

"Where and when is it easiest to catch vulnerable humans?" I ask and Shane looks over at me catching on.

"At a club." Shane says and General raises an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"Think about it. Big giant clubs and parties full of underage stupid kids, surrounded in alleyways. Perfect for catching innocents, especially as a technical newbie." I say and she crosses her arms.

"Very well. Ace will be the bartender, you two get shopping, you're going undercover as two party crazed teenagers." She says and I smirk

"Teenagers? Ok, I get that she's nineteen, but I'm twenty three. I'm no teenager. Ace is younger then me, why can't he be the party crazed teen?"

"Yeah, I'll pass on that man." Ace says and Shane sighs.

"You look it. Go." She says then turns off the monitor.

"Was that a compliment or what?" He asks and I smirk.

"Come on, we gotta get you looking young again." I say and he huffs standing up.

"We'll be back in five hours!" I call and Shane pales.

"Five hours?" He hisses and I smirk

"Where are you two going?" Olivia asks coming down the stairs.

"To make Shane look young again."

"Shopping!? Let me in on that!" She exclaims and Shane shakes his head wildly.

"I already have one girl to deal with, I don't need two." He says as Ace steps out of the kitchen.

"I'll watch Layla, go have fun."

"Ace, man, you are not helping!" Shane hisses and Ace smirks motioning for us to go.

"Yay, shopping spree." Olivia says and I smirk as Shane groans.


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