A knock sounds on my door and I sigh as Shane walks in.

"Great to see you as well." He mumbles

"We both know you want answers."

"Ok then this should be simple. How'd you know about the poison?"

"I already told you it was a lucky guess."

"Bull. I know you're shielding me, I can feel it, but I also can tell just from your facial expressions when you're holding something back. We're partners Neveah, not just Connected." He says and I sigh

"You'd think I was crazy."

"I have no room to judge that. Just tell me."

"Ok." I mumble scooting over so he can sit next to me.

"That first night when we found Gregory, something happened to me." I say and he nods me on.

"I saw his tattoo and suddenly all these images were flying through my mind. I suddenly knew everything, and I was seeing things I wouldn't usually be seeing. It's like somehow my powers were enhanced. I can't control it though, the flashes just come and go whenever they please. Lucky for us, they came before I took a sip of my drink. I instantly knew that he had poisoned the drinks. I knew the symptoms, the outcome, and the type of poison. Cyanide. I knew how someone could be poisoned by it and I knew what would occur when someone was poisoned by it. He must've put a hell of a lot in though, because he died a lot quicker then you typically would. Either way, these flashes have been coming and going a lot lately, that's how I knew about Annabelle, and I think somehow they're entering into my dreams now. These secrets, it's as if they want to be known, but they are also putting a lot of pressure on me; on my mind. Jocelyn knew about them, she saw them like I would see them. She told me she would help, but then her house exploded. Now I have no way of learning how to control them, I have no way of truly understanding them. I just know that each one though helping me, is also taring me apart." I finish and he meets my eyes.

I get ready for him to call me crazy, for him to laugh and shake his head. Instead though, none of that happens.

"What are you going to do about it?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I wish I knew. But Jocelyn is dead now. All I know is that she told me that I couldn't trust anybody with this. That this "gift" is dangerous. And not only is it dangerous to me, but to those around me as well. I don't want you to get hurt by knowing this, but I couldn't keep it from you either."

"Besides, you're in my brain anyways. It's not like I could keep it away from you much longer."

"True, but I'm glad you chose to tell me." He says and I nod.

"I'll help you." He says

"How? I don't even know what to do." I mumble hugging myself.

"We'll figure it out." He says and I look up at him.

"Thank you." I say and he nods. A few minutes later he breaks the growing silence and starts on a new conversation.

"Ace and I found another lead, we'll push on it tomorrow." He says and I nod as he stands up.

"Goodnight Neveah."

"Night." I mumble watching him leave. I lay back on my bed and pull the blanket around myself. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes.


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