We pull into the new safe house and Shane shuts off the bike. I step off and pull the helmet from my head and shake my hair out. Shane pulls his helmet off too then takes both of them and hangs them on the bike.

"You good?" He asks and I nod

"Yeah, I'm just gonna stay out here for a little bit. Enjoy the night breeze."

"Let me know if you want some company." He says and I smile gently as he turns and heads inside. I make my way to the backyard and climb onto the swing. I take a deep breath and relax as the wind gently pushes me. I shut my eyes and lean back against the swing.


I'm not sure how long I've been out here by now. It has to have been a few hours. At one point I just let the tears fall. The tears for my brother who I thought I'd never see again, the tears for what he chose to become, and the tears for the heartbreak I can't help but feel. At one point the door opened and Ace came out, but I couldn't talk to him. I still have so much pain and anger within me aimed directly at him. At one point Shane came out, but I couldn't talk to him either. The only person that hadn't come out was Olivia. Not that she'd have anything to say.

At this point my tears are dried and I just feel empty. I can't believe so much has happened in just the last twenty four hours. I can't believe that my brother, my older brother who I had always looked up to, chose evil over light. It's a scary thing. What if I go down that path? Then what?

I look down at my watch and realize it's two in the morning. I sigh standing up with the decision made that it's time for me to go in. Plus exhaustion is tugging at me. I slide open the glass door and walk inside. The TV is on in the family room and I walk over grabbing the remote to turn it off. I stop when I see Shane laying on the couch, one knee bent, the other leg straight out.

"Shane?" I ask and he blinks open his eyes and looks over at me.

"Hey." He mumbles sitting up.

"Why are you still up?"

"I wanted to be sure you were okay."

"You didn't have to wait up for me."

"I wanted to." He says and I sit down beside him.

"Thank you." I whisper and he nods.

"So the famous question, are you okay?" He asks and I sigh.

"No, but I can't change what happened. Jason chose evil. He broke our promise and he lost my trust." I whisper and he sighs. I put my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath.

"He was right about one thing though." I whisper

"What?" He asks gently and I pull my knees to my chest.

"We were born to evil. I just hope I don't fall to it like he did."

"Neveah, you are not your brother. He chose to go dark, he made his decision. You've already made yours, you've been fighting alongside us for years. Jackson practically raised you. I know it's hard to see your brother like that, it's hard for me to see my ex partner like that, but you are not him, and you will not fall like him."

"How can you be so sure?" I ask

"Because I know you Neveah. I know the real you, and not just because I'm your Connect. I know the real you, because I care for you and I always will. I know the real you, because you've opened her up to me." He says and I nod unable to look at him.

"You know yourself just as well." He says

"Do I though? I don't feel like I know myself anymore."

"You do. You always have and you always will." He says pushing hair out of my face.

"It seems you know me pretty damn well. Almost better then I actually know myself." I mumble looking up him.

"Close, but no." He says and I smirk.

"Ok, fine." I breathe out and with a laugh he grabs the remote and starts surfing the channels. I look away from him and turn my attention to the tv. I keep my head on his shoulder and throw a blanket over myself.

Shane yawns and I move off of him and shift some.

"Go to bed Shane, it's late."

"I'm good." He says

"You're yawning."

"Doesn't mean I want to leave you." He says and I nod settling back against him.

"Fine." I say stopping him from continuing to flip channels as Scooby Doo appears.

"You're joking right?"

"What? I love Scooby Doo."

"You're a child." He says and I smirk

"I know." I say and he laughs as I hush him and zone in on the show.


Scooby Doo comes to an end and Shane's slight snores sound near my ear. I tilt my head back to look at him and smile gently.

"Goodnight Shane." I whisper slipping in and out of our connection as quickly and quietly as I can. I turn my attention back to the TV pulling the blanket higher up on me as Tom and Jerry comes on.


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