I jerk awake and look to my left seeing Shane still unconscious. I crawl over and curse as a chain locks around my ankle. I yank at it freaking that I can't reach him. I call on my powers and shoot them at the chain. It busts and I crawl to Shane's side.

"Shane, Shane." I say pulling his head onto my lap.

"He's ok Neveah." I look over seeing Ace on the other side of the bars. I gently move Shane off of me and move over to the bars.

"Ace. What's going on?"

"No idea, we were both grabbed from behind. The plane landed then they drugged me." He says

"And Shane?"

"He was flipping out, you wouldn't wake up and he was acting like, wild almost. They put some sleeping serum or something in a syringe they stabbed into him."

"He wouldn't wake up on the plane. I barley felt his pulse." I say

"Some magic sent him unconscious. They were talking about it." He says and I nod

"But he's ok now right?"

"Yeah, as far as I know." He says and I breathe easier leaning back against the bars.

"Why'd they separate you from us?"

"My guess is for different testing reasons. I'm human, y'all aren't, well not completely anyways. They've been stabbing needles into us." He says holding up his arm and I see the bruises. Looking down at my arm, I notice the same thing.

"I saw my mother before I went unconscious. Why would she do this?"

"Your mother? She's dead though?" He asks and I nod

"That's what I thought too, but I overheard Shane and General talking about some big secret they had to keep from me. I think it was about my mom." I say

"Why? I mean I would get General keeping something from you, I'm sure she keeps stuff from all of us, but Shane? He wouldn't."

"Apparently he has been." I say looking over at him then back to Ace.

"He's your partner, not to mention your Connect. Wouldn't you have noticed it?"

"Not if he was blocking me."

"Have you asked him?"

"What would I say? 'Hey I overheard you talking to General about some big secret, what is it?' I don't think that would work out." I say and Ace sighs.

"You're right, that's not really something easy to ask."

"Exactly. I think I'm stuck with having to wait and hope he'll tell me the truth at some point, or if my mom is really here, hearing it from her."

"What do you think it is?" He asks and I shake my head

"I have no idea. But General was pretty forceful on the 'Neveah can't know' aspect."

"Damn, I don't know what to tell you."

"It won't matter anyways. We need to get out of here. My brother's on the loose and who knows what the hell this place is. If they're stabbing us with needles it can't be anything good though." I say and Ace nods as I stand up.

"Now the only problem, I don't know how to get out of here." I groan looking around.

"I don't even see a damn door." I mutter

"There's some secret handle or whatever hidden in the wall. I saw them using it when they thought I was still out." He says and I walk over to the door and search around. Footsteps sound and I freeze as my hand touches the handle.

"Someone's coming." I hiss moving away.

"The chain." He hisses and I quickly latch it back onto my ankle and lean back against the wall. The door slowly opens and I look up as a tall figure steps into the room, their face hidden from the blinding light behind them.

"Great to see you're awake." The male voice mutters.

"Who are you? Where are we?" I ask

"My name is Elijah, I'm just the guy who brings you three to boss. Nothing more."

"And Shane?"

"Is that the one unconscious right there?" He asks

"Is he ok?" I respond and he nods

"He'll wake up shortly."

"Why are we here?"

"I ask myself that every day. I don't know." He says squatting down and unhooking the chain from my leg. I try to kick up but something holds me back.

"You're different. You don't want to be here."

"What gave that away? My lack of enthusiasm or my thoughts?" He asks and I look up at him

"Yes, I know what you are, and I know who he is to you. He's your Connect, the guy in the other cell is human, poor soul, and you and that unconscious guy, Shane right? Either way, you two are both telepathic, have different powers that level the other out, and are complete opposites yet hold each other up. There is no distinct name for you, technically you aren't even supposed to be alive. There are no other known beings like you and Shane over there."

"Anything else?"

"I know you used your magic to break out of the chain earlier, then you used it to put it back on."

"How are you blocking me from using my magic now?"

"It's not just your magic I'm blocking. I'm also blocking you from being able to harm me or anyone else until released." He says pulling me up.

"How, what are you?"

"It doesn't matter. What matters is boss wants to see you."

"Why me?"

"I don't ask questions, I simply do. You'll be back before you know it." He says pulling me from the cell. Ace slams against the bars as I'm shoved out of the door but he can't do anything as the door slams shut behind me.


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