I wake up with a groan and look to my right seeing Ace.

"Hey." He mumbles as I push up into a sitting position. He hands me a glass of water and I thank him taking a sip.

"How are you feeling?"

"My head still hurts, but it's bearable." I breathe out and he nods taking the cup back from me when I'm done.

"Where's Shane?" I ask

"He's in his room, the connection took a lot out of him."

"I should go see if he's ok." I say going to stand up. Ace shakes his head though, gently pushing me back down.

"No, you should stay in your bed. He's sleeping. Let him rest, just like you should be resting."

"I'm not tired." I say and he shakes his head.

"I don't care." He says and I rub my face.

"Look I don't know what to tell you Ace."

"What did that guy say to you?"

"What guy?"

"The one that almost killed you." He says and I try to think back.

"Uh he said I was too close, that his boss wasn't happy."

"So we've struck a nerve." He says and I nod taking the Tylenol from him grateful.

"Yeah, except now we have no leads and no way of knowing what's really going on."

"If there's one thing I know about you, it's that you don't give up; you always find a way." He says handing me another cup of water.

"I guess so." I mumble leaning back.

"Get some more rest, I'll come check on you later on." He says getting up.

"Ace." I say and he looks over at me.

"Thank you, and don't worry about coming back to check on me. Get yourself some sleep." I mumble and he nods leaving. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. His footsteps sound on the stairs and I rub my face standing up. I look down finally realizing that I'm in different clothes and the blood is all off of me. I decide to not flip out about it and instead stand up and push open my bedroom door. I hear the tv on downstairs and I turn away from the stairs and head towards Shane's room. I push open the door and walk in finding him sound asleep on his bed. I walk over and he groans rolling onto his side. The moonlight lights up his frame and I quietly step back.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I whisper going to leave.

"It wasn't you fault." He whispers

"You're awake?"

"Now." He mumbles and I rub my arms

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to wake you up."

"No, it's fine." He says rubbing his face and shifting.

"No it's not, you've been saving my ass too many times to count lately. The least I can do is let you sleep, yet I can't even seem to-

"Neveah, honestly it's fine." He says

"Ok." I whisper sitting down beside him and pulling my knees to my chest.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and I shrug

"I'll survive. What about you?"

"Same." He says and I look over at him.

"I'm sorry."

"There is nothing for you to apologize for Neveah. Nothing." He says and I nod

"I just feel bad cause I know it pained you, and I know that I-

"Neveah. Stop." He says and I sigh

"I'm fine. We're both fine." He says and I nod messing with the buttons on my shirt.

"My shirts look good on you." He says and I look up at him

"Your shirt?"

"Yeah, you were conscious for like 10 minutes and changed."

"Why'd I put on your shirt?"

"You said it smelled good and was soft."

"Are you serious?" I ask and he nods with a smirk.

"Completely serious." He says and I laugh burying my face in my hands.

"It's great to know that someone is putting use to it tho. I haven't worn it in a long time." He says and I laugh hugging myself.

"Great to know I could be helpful." I say and he smiles gently then his mood alters.

"I'm worried." He says and I look over at him.


"Whoever this guy is, he's obviously dangerous. We need to make a move soon. And right now, we have no leads." He says

"We found the hideout."

"And at what cost? You could've died."

"But I didn't, and we're so close. We need to rescue those people."

"Those people aren't human anymore. They were in transition, which means they've most likely been moved by now, and they could turn at any moment."

"We can't give up."

"I'm not saying we give up. That's not like either one of us. I'm saying that we need to call General; let her know what we've learned."

"What happens if she pulls us off the case?"

"She won't, we're her best shot and she knows it."

"But what if she does? I don't know how to explain it, but I feel tied to this case somehow. Because maybe in the end, I'll learn what really happened to me that night at Gregory's house, and maybe I can learn about who I am. I want to learn why we are tied together, I want to know what's really happening, and if I follow this case, maybe I'll find it out. I can't risk losing that." I say and he turns my face to look at him and pushes my hair back.

"We won't, I promise. I want to know everything just as much as you, but your life isn't worth risking."

"It's our job to risk our lives, that's what we do." I say and he nods

"I get that, but it's not your time yet." He says and I nod as he pushes more hair back.

"Go to sleep, we'll call her in the morning." He says and I nod standing up.

"Night." I say and he nods as I leave.


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