"Any change yet?" I ask and Ace shakes his head.

"Come on Jason." I mutter looking down at my watch.


"So what's your plan if they don't go to this party?"

"I'll figure it out." I hiss back at him

"Gonna wait for a flash?" He asks and I flip

"I don't need a flash to do my job. I don't need a flash to figure shit out." I hiss right out loud.

"You've been doing nothing but relying on that damn flash." He hisses and I glare

"I don't rely on it!" I growl out

"Would both of you stop!? Y'all are partners and if either of you grows any louder, they're gonna know we're here so shut the hell up. Fight when we get back but right now, we have a job to get done." Ace hisses and I blow hair out of my face then turn away from Shane.

"You're right." I mumble taking my spot again and relaxing. He nods then we turn back to watching.


"There! They're gone!" I exclaim kicking Ace. He jerks awake then throws his hand over his heart.

"It's 9:54, why'd they wait for so long?"

"It doesn't matter, we're clear. It's completely empty."

"You sure about that?" Shane asks and I flick off motion sensor.

"Yes." I respond then stand up. I start down the hill followed by Shane and Ace. I sprint toward the building then we stop.

"Ace keep guard and check everything out here. We'll go in."

"Will you two be able to keep it together?"


"We'll see." Shane mutters and I choose to ignore him. I've got a job to do.

Ace nods then Shane and I run inside. I yank out my flashlight and we creep inside.

"Split up." I say

"No way, we don't know what's in here. We stick together." He says and I look over at him.

"Ok." I mumble and he nods as we continue on. I feel him right behind me yet we don't say anything. Neither of us is opening up to the other either, we've cut our connection temporarily. Maybe it's a good thing. We climb up some stairs and freeze when we come upon a door. I hold my hand up to it and nod.

"They're in there. I can sense it." I say and he yanks out his gun.

"You ready?" I ask and he nods. I back up then kick the door and it flies open. Nothing splinters or anything and I nod as we creep in. I call on my magic and the light in my hand comes to life. We walk further in and I pause seeing lumps covering the ground.

"Shane." I mutter and he moves right beside me.

"Do it." He says and I take a deep breath and shoot my magic into the ceiling. Sparks surround us and we're now fully in light. I gasp looking around at all the bodies and people that are literally in transition. They're in so much pain yet don't scream or cry. Just this look of pure agony.

"Oh my god Shane." I hiss seeing children also. Their eyes are just as glazed over, the black tendrils snaking through their skin.

"What are they doing to these people?" I whisper. I walk over to one and squat down and gently touch my hand to them. Flashes slam into me and I cough falling back. Blood red eyes, demons, unknown, darkness, death...

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