Shane, Olivia, and I head into the mall and instantly are surrounded in aggressive shoppers. I guess some sale is going on. Usually I can block out their thoughts and feelings but there is literally so many people, too many, and it's giving me a raging headache.

"Let's make this quick. I don't know how much longer I can deal with all these thoughts, feelings, and emotions."

"Agreed." Shane responds and Olivia smirks

"It'll be better when we're in the shops." She says and I nod following behind her. We make it into a store and instantly weight is lifted off of me and I can better block them out.

"Better?" Olivia asks and I nod.

"Yeah, much." I say and she smirks

"Alright, we'll look for Neveah first, then we'll move on to Shane. I have a feeling he's going to be more of a difficult aspect to shop for." She says and Shane rolls his eyes but takes a seat infront of the dressing rooms.

"Now, let's get you in something hot." She says and I laugh as we head to the racks and racks of club like clothing. Olivia skims the racks and literally every article of clothing she touches she either picks it up or pushes it far away.

"Hold these." She says and I look down in surprise at the load of clothing now in my arms.

"Great, now shoes." She says and I nod her on. We walk towards the shoes and jewelry and she picks up anything she can.

"I think we need a few more clothes options. One more sweep of the racks then we'll get you changing." She says

"Sounds like a plan."

"You're not big of a shopper are you?" She asks

"I'm sure I would be if I got into it, but I really don't shop much in my line of work. Everything I need is provided. I mean I'm typically in the same outfit every time I go on a mission."

"Ew no, that's not ok." She says and I burst out laughing

"We'll look for a few new mission outfits when we're done with Shane." She says and I roll my eyes

"Alright, let's go." She says throwing ten more clothes options at me.

We head towards the dressing rooms and Shane's eyes widen at everything we're holding.

"We're going to be here for hours!" He exclaims.

"I told Ace five." I say and he shakes his head.

"Go, change." He says and I smirk following Olivia into a dressing room.


"Olivia!" I call and she pokes her head into the dressing room.

"Oo I like that one." She says and I smirk.

Twenty outfits later...

"Finally." I mumble stepping out of the changing room. Shane looks over at me and his face tells me all I need to know.

"What, you don't like it?" Olivia hisses

"It's too revealing." I mumble

"What, you've got the body and chest for it." Olivia says and Shane looks me up and down.

"That you do."

"Shane!" I hiss and he shakes his head snapping out of it.

"No, too revealing."

"What, you worry other guys are going to have eyes for her?" Olivia asks and he grunts.

"Fine, but I can't promise they're going to be any less revealing. Maybe darker though, like a black. I mean don't get me wrong, you look hot in white, but it doesn't seem like you." She says taking me in.

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