"Y'all ready to go?" I ask swinging my bag onto my shoulder.

"Sure." Shane mutters walking by me. I huff as Ace swings his bag onto his back and looks up.

"Bad night?" He asks and I shake my head.

"He thinks I'm lying to him." I mumble as we head out.

"Well are you?"

Yes... Well kinda. Damnit...

"Of course not. He's my partner."

"Then he'll get over it. Come on." He says and I nod following behind him. We throw our bags into the hummer then I climb into the back, Ace in the passenger seat, and Shane behind the wheel. I shut my door and Shane takes off. I lean back against the seat putting my earbuds in and looking out the window.


"There." Ace mumbles.

We pull into the gravel parking lot and I pull my earbuds out. Shane and Ace climb out of the car, me following after. We grab our bags out of the back then head inside. No words are said between any of us as we split ways and find our rooms. I throw my stuff down and sigh flopping onto my back. Our entire first day was spent in the car trying to get to this house. We officially start tracking tomorrow. Only problem, we don't haven anything to start with. A knock sounds on my door and I look up as Ace pushes it open.

"Hey, just checkin in."

"All's good here, thanks." I say and he nods.

"Night Neveah."

"Goodnight." I say and he nods gently leaving. I hear his retreating footsteps on the stairs and know he's going down to his room. I climb out of bed and change into an oversized sweater and pull my hair into a messy bun ontop of my head. I wrap a blanket around myself as chills roll over my skin as well, then leave my room. I walk down the hall and push open Shane's door. He looks up at me as I step in, but then looks away.

"Are you really still mad at me?" I ask

"No Neveah, I'm not mad. I just wish you'd tell me what's going on."

"Shane you're my partner, I wouldn't lie to you."

"Then tell me what really happened to you that night in Gregory's house. You saw something, didn't you? You saw the same thing when Gregory killed himself too."

"Look, I don't know what I saw. Yes, something happened to me that night, but I don't know what." I say and he sighs.

"When did we start keeping stuff from each other?"

"Shane, I'm not keeping anything from you." I whisper and he stands up and walks over to me.

"Look, I know what happened between you and Ace. I need you to know that that isn't going to happen between us, I'm not Ace."

"It has nothing to do with that Shane. I know you're not Ace." I say

"Then don't keep things from me."

"I'm not." I say and he pushes loose strands of hair out of my face.

"Ok." He mumbles stepping back.

"I'm going to prove it to you." I say and he smirks crossing his arms.

"I'm sure." He says and I smile gently then turn and leave.


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