I gasp jerking awake

"1987 Wilks Cove!" I exclaim then breathe heavy realizing I'm back in my room. My heart beat calms and the fear within me vanishes.

"Neveah?" Shane mumbles sleepily in my mind.

"I'm fine, sorry to wake you. Bad dream."

"You sure?"

"Ye- no." No point in lying, he's in my mind, he can sense it.

"What happened?"

"Just come here please."

A few seconds later my door opens and a shirtless Shane walks in rubbing his eyes. He blinks and looks over at me then heads over.

"What's wrong?" He asks sitting beside me.

"I know where the next victim is. Or I think I do."


"I had a horrifying dream. There was a blazing fire. I felt like I was burning. So many screams and cries and then this address flashed into my brain."

"What was it?" He asks gently and I shut my eyes trying to think.

"Uh 1987 Wilks Cove." I say and he nods

"We'll check it out tomorrow. Try to get some more sleep." He says and I shake my head.

"I can't." I mumble

"It was just a bad dream." He says but I shake my head unable to believe it.

"But it was so real." I whisper and he pushes the blanket back and slides in beside me.

"How about this, I'll stay till you fall back asleep." He says and I rub my arms.

"Okay, yeah." I say and he nods as I lay down. I pull my hair out of the obnoxious bun that's fallen, and push it out of my face. I go to put it back up but Shane puts his hand over mine.

"Just leave it down." He mumbles and I put the hairband back on my wrist and turn over so my back is to him. I snuggle into my pillow and get comfortable as my eyes slowly shut. He brushes his fingers through my hair as I pull my knees toward my chest. Sleep tugs at me as he moves his hand down to my back and rubs gently.

"Go to sleep Neveah."

His voice is soothing and it instantly makes me more tired. But before I fall asleep I have one thing left to say to him.

"Don't leave."


I blink open my eyes as sun breaks in through my blinds. I roll over and sigh finding Shane gone. I sit up and rub my face and leave my room heading downstairs. I tie the bottom of my braid as I hit the last stair and walk into the kitchen.

"Morning." Ace mumbles handing me a cup of OJ. I take it grateful and take a sip.

"Where's Shane?" He asks and I shrug.

"Still asleep I guess."

"So then we can actually talk."


"No, please. Can we just talk. Like normal people."

"I'm not normal."

"Stop being complicated Neveah. You get what I mean." He says and I sigh.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"How we left things off. You know that I never meant to hurt you Neveah."

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