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"Leggo my eggo!" My little sister shrieked literally diving onto the breakfast table for the last eggo waffle. 

"Hayden!" My mom shrieked with wide eyes, "Theodore!" She yelled louder when my older brother jumped after the same waffle.

"Why is this our family?" Harvey asked me with a sigh and I shrugged in response before getting up and walking towards the counter where my dad had six hidden waffles.

"Mine." He glared playfully. 

I scowled and reached over to take one, "Thanks dad." I grinned and bit into it. He chuckled and motioned for me to go sit down. I took my seat between Harvey and Gabe and they stared at me eyes wide before looking up at my dad. He played dumb and they rolled their eyes before they began to eat their cereal.

"So how're y'all liking Texas so far?" My mom asked hopefully. She grew up here, she moved to New York when she was my age. I'm surprised she even wanted to come back after everything she'd been put through. The first time she told me, I broke down crying completely. Sometimes I wish she hadn't told me, but I'm glad she did. I'm glad my mom and dad told me what they both went through growing up, and what my grandparents put Harvey through when he was a baby. It makes me remember how lucky I am to have them and had a semi-normal childhood. I only added the 'semi' fact because my parents run an illegal drug empire so I practically grew up around guns and learned how to shoot one at the age of thirteen. My brothers loved it, they ended up joining Mayhem when they turned eighteen, they're twenty now. My mom hopes that I decide to have a normal life, so I stay away from that stuff as much as possible but it's really hard. My grandparents are the diavolos, my parents are in Mayhem, my Uncle Stephan is leader of the Hoax. Damien and Blake are my dads best friends and are in Mayhem, Jasmine's mom, my Aunt Rhiannon is in Mayhem, so Jasmine and I practically grew up in this specific environment. But we never found it scary or intimidating, we found it quite boring. 

"Boring." Gabe sighed and my mom gave him a glare.

Theo threw his hands up in his defense, "It's quite boring." 

"They're right." Hayden and Harvey chorused and my mom looked at me with hopeful green eyes. We all look like my mom, blonde hair green eyes, except for Harvey who looks just like my dad but with green eyes.

"I sucks not having Jasmine here but I guess it's okay so far...I prefer New York city but uh, I guess I could give it a shot?" I chose my words carefully and she nodded with a content smile. 

"And this is why you're my favorite." Mom hugged me and I stuck my tongue out at my siblings who were all glaring at me, "I'm kidding. I don't have any favorites. Right, babe?" My mom said to my dad and instantly we all fake gagged. She rolled her eyes and he walked over and pressed a kiss against her lips. 

"Ew! No porno! We're children!" Theodore yelled and covered Hayden's eyes. She pushed him away and bit back a laugh.

"You're a grown ass man." Dad pointed out and mom snorted as she poured herself a cup of coffee. 

Hayden shrieked and showed me the song that came on her phone. I threw my head back in laughter and everyone exchanged looks as I began to sing along, "Let me see you take your shirt, shoes, jeans, all off. Shirt, shoes, jeans, all off. And we ain't even at the beach. I'm a take my skirt, boots, rings, all off. Skirt, boots, rings, all off. And we ain't even at the beach. God damn problem-"

"We're hell raising and there ain't no saving cause there's no salvation for a bad girl."  Hayden sang and my dad looked ready to smash her phone.

"Isn't this the song they said was your song in London?" Gabe asked my mom and my dad's head snapped to her in amusement. Gabe and Theodore lived in London with my mom for the first four years of their lives, they used to have an accent but it faded the more they got older. You can still hear it faintly in some of the things they say.

"Pip pip cheerio," I said mimicking him and he rolled his eyes.

"You're just jealous cause we were born in London." Theo stated matter of factly.

I scoffed, "Please. Are you even legal?"

They both opened their mouths to speak and my mom cut us all off, "Okay that's enough. Now go unpack. All of you." She shooed us away.


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