Caught Inside

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Kennedy kept her head down at the Talon and worked like she'd never worked before. Lana had asked if she was running on Duracell. But she wasn't complaining. Not even when she dropped a tray of lattes only a few moments ago. Kennedy had rushed into the kitchen to retrieve a mop and bucket and immediately began clearing away the mess.

'I'm so sorry, Lana. I'm such a klutz,' Kennedy sighed as she threw the broken pieces into the garbage. 

Lana came over to help and bent down to pick up the broken pieces of ceramic. 'Don't worry about it,' she told her.

'I'm not usually such a klutz.'

Lana smiled. 'Actually I meant the mugs.'

Kennedy half-smiled at her friend. 'I don't know what's wrong with me,' she said shaking her head. Yes you do.

'They're only mugs.'

Kennedy sighed wearily and wiped the back of her hand over her brow. It didn't take a genius to work out that there was something on her mind. She had worked non-stop since first arriving four hours ago, nothing unusual there, thought Lana, except she had hardly said a word to her or anyone and had kept out of everyones way. Definitely not her usual self.

'Is everything okay?' Lana asked, knowing full well it wasn't.

'Fine,' Kennedy replied nodding her head.

'You sure about that?' Lana said straightening up.

Kennedy tossed the last broken piece into the garbage. 'Really.'

'Okay.' Lana slowly nodded her head, although she wasn't convinced.

Kennedy went back to clearing up the mess and Lana went back behind the counter to finish off preparing the espresso machine. She was still thinking about Kennedy's strange mood when the door opened and Clark came through wearing his usual attire of well-worn jeans and a blue plaid shirt and sporting a big smile.

'Well, either someone slept with a clothes hanger in his mouth or he's just plain happy,' Lana joked.

Clark grinned at her. 'I'm just looking forward to going back to school.'

'Yeah, it is kind of exciting,' agreed Lana. 'We're going back as seniors. Wow...that's actually pretty scary, too.'

Clark smiled and then caught sight of Kennedy clearing away the latte mess over by the kitchen door. 'What happened?'

'Just a little accident with a tray of lattes.' She leaned a little farther towards Clark out of earshot of Kennedy. 'There's something wrong with Kennedy. I just know it, Clark.'

He frowned. 'How do you mean?'

'She hasn't been her usual self today. I wondered if maybe something had happened up at the mansion. You heard that Lex's father came back earlier than expected from his business trip?'

Clark nodded. 'Yeah. I saw his limo before I saw him. Do you think he said something to upset Kennedy?'

Lana shrugged. 'Your guess is as good as mine. But she's been spun-out all morning.'

'Have you asked her what's wrong?'

'She hasn't been easy to approach.'

'Do you want me to talk to her?' offered Clark.

'What makes you so sure she'll open up to you?' 

Clark shrugged. 'We're pretty close.'

'Then give it a shot. Apart from you and me she doesn't have anyone else to go to. And if there is something going on with his father, Lex may well be the last person she'd want to talk to about it.'

Smallville: Telekinetic (Lex Luthor/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now