Lonely Day

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The girl with the red hair looked towards the old building from where the group of rowdy guys had just left. The illuminated glass sign above the doorway said the 'Talon' some sort of coffee-house-cum-movie-theater. She glanced around and let out a long breath, pushing a lock of wavy hair behind one ear. So this was Smallville.

Kennedy Carpenter had just arrived and already she wanted to leave. The town was less than a three hour train-ride outside of Metropolis, yet it had been almost two days since she'd escaped the hustle bustle of the big city; and she had no intention of ever going back.

But what am I doing here? Nothing but a crummy small town with nothing to offer except -

A brand new, shiny silver Porsche convertible with vanity plates that simply read LEX pulled up outside of the 'Talon'. Its stereo system banging out some pumping club music, the sun glinting off its highly polished sleek body.

Now this is more like it. 

She leaned up against the streetlight and watched the guy that slid out of the black leather interior. Young, average height, dressed in an immaculate black suit and slate-gray t-shirt, complete with designer shades and, kind of cute, she thought. Even given the fact that he didn't have a single hair on his incredibly smooth head.

Cancer survivor. Athlete swimmer, maybe.

They say a person could swim much faster by shaving off their entire body hair. The reasons behind his freaky fashion statement were endless. But right now he could've been Homer Simpson for all Kennedy cared. Because he had something that was of use to her. Something that she could use to get out of this crummy town and as far away from Metropolis as possible.

He had a fast car.

She waited until he'd disappeared inside the Talon, noting the Porsche's alarm system blinking into life as the door swung closed behind him. She smirked. Alarm systems. What good were they? But she knew beneath that sleek, shiny exterior there'd be a high-class alarm all ready to alert everyone from miles around if she laid just one finger on it. 

Only I don't need to. The privilege of being just that little bit different.

She took a deep breath and concentrating on the job ahead, closed her eyes and immediately felt the energy course through her veins. It didn't take long. A loud snapping noise came from beneath the car hood, which told her that the wires rigged to the system were cut and she opened her eyes, feeling her blood slow again. Taking another glance around she casually pushed herself away from the streetlight and shrugging her tote bag further onto her shoulder, crossed the road towards the Porsche, taking a quick glance inside the window of the Talon and making sure the car's owner wasn't on his way back out. There were a few people milling around, but that didn't deter her.

Keeping her eye on the door to the Talon, she quickly jumped into the car, hands on the wheel, she concentrated on starting the car. But there was nothing. Porsche were the hardest cars in the world for this kind of thing. She felt around underneath the dash for the wires that triggered the car ignition. It was fiddly work. Porsche were also the hardest car in the world to hot-wire. Not that she'd done this very often. Kennedy Carpenter was a lot of things, but by no means a car thief. Or any kind of thief for that matter. She just saw an opportunity and took it. Before someone else did. Over the years she'd learned to how to get by living on the streets. Knew what it took to survive. You did what you had to. End of story.

She tugged the wires and began to twist them, touching the tips against one another. The car spluttered, but didn't quite fire into life. 'Damn,' she muttered under her breath. 'C'mon, gimme a break.' She was so busy trying to get them to spark that she didn't see the cars owner and it wasn't until she heard the smooth voice, that she felt her heart plummet into her boots.

Smallville: Telekinetic (Lex Luthor/OFC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now