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Please bear with me as I am still polishing my crazy ambition to be an erotic writer instead hahahaha Thank you

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Please bear with me as I am still polishing my crazy ambition to be an erotic writer instead hahahaha Thank you. Love you guys

And sorry guys I had to go around the bush cause I really don't know how to make them meet again.

#39 in Chicklit Category. Thank you so much


So everyone now knows about Krista and I. I wonder how she's taking this. Damn, the rumors are hurting her chance to the crown. What the hell should I do? They are going to the palace for a courtesy call and here I am refusing my Mom's "invitation" of being present when they visit. I should have asked my Dad their itinerary and maybe I would know where to find her. Right, I should check on with Miss Universe organization so I would know.

"So what did the olds want you to do this time?"

"They want me home because the Miss Universe contestants are going to be in Malacanan this afternoon."

"So what is this thing about Miss America? I sure saw you kiss her in Reno, and you can not deny it."

There is no use denying it to Yuan, he knows when I am lying.

"I met her at JFK Airport in New York when I got stranded on my way to Lake Tahoe last year remember that time? Well at first it was just a pretend relationship because there was this guy who was pestering her, turned out he was a reporter. And the reporter knows Dad and us."

"Go on."

"Go on, asshole. Hahahaha"

"Hahaha, comeone spill."

"So, after that, I was really trying to ignore her cause she was getting into my system fast and I did not like that to happen. Then there was these nice old couple, Tita Lettie and Tito Ramon who offered their house to us, thinking that we're together. Since hotels were already fully booked that time and I was making all the excuses I could think of so I will not have to accept, she said yes and pretended to be my girlfriend. We kissed because of that damn mistletoe. And we stayed in one room, and well we we're drunk and one led to the other. You know..."

"You screwed her."

"Damn Yuan, I did not screw her. You make it sound so low man."

"Oh touchy aren't we?"

"Damn you asshole."

"So, me think you love the girl."


"What is this worried look then?"

"I was just worried these rumors is going to ruin her chance to the crown. Maybe I should go check her out and apologize. Maybe I should get a press conference or something?"

"What do you plan to do? Go to thenpress and tell them what? Is it not but proper that you go to her and apologize  for whatever is happening? Wait, did you say your goodbyes properly?"

"I don't remember if we said goodbye either"

"Dumb ass! You don't just kiss a girl and not say anything anymore. You tell her."

"Maybe I should call Dad?"

"Do that before it's too late idiot. And don't deny it, this girl has a great effect on you man."


"Go call your commander in chief hahaha!"

"What will I tell Dad?"

"I think that is a bad idea too. You are using the president, your commander-in-chief, dumb ass"

So I decided to just keep mum about us. I did not call my father. I did not want to include them in my relationship problems.

Yuan and I went out to eat lunch. Being the sons of the President, regardless of our being in the military, we still have securities detailed to us. According to our father when we complained about it, he said that our being in the military is bad enough for security because the enemies of the state might use us to get to him the president. They know that he will not leave us alone. So he said that while he's still in power, the top brass in the military and the government want us working with him or in the General Headquarters where we are safer. It was only Dad who is stopping them from executing such orders. Dad said that by next week Yuan and I will be back in Manila where we would resume work.

Now I understand why I was given an immediate leave. I was not to go back to my Batallion anytime soon. Yuan is so mad but we can not do anything about it. The new constitution says that a President's term of office is for eight years and Dad has 2 and a half more years in office. The new constitution also says that a President can also run for another term just after his term of office unlike the 1987 constitution where the term of office is only for 6 years and no re-election after. Yuan and I are praying that Dad will not run for office anymore.

The Miss Universe Pageant will be two weeks from now. I should be able to talk to Krista by then.

"Miggy! Miggy!"

Yuan and I were surprised that a group of journalists and mediamen are rushing towards us. I know up until now they can not tell us apart. So they will both address us with the name of the twin they wanted to interview. At this moment, I think they wanted to ask me something and I guess I know what they want to know.

"Miggy! Miggy!"

"Yes guys!"

Yuan looked amused cause it would be the first time that the media wanted to interview me. It was always him they wanted to talk to.

"Have you seen or talked to Miss America Krista Cruz already?"

"Not yet ."

" Do you know that she and some candidates will be going to the palace for a courtsey call to the Prseident and the First Lady."

"Yes, I heard about it."

"Doe your parents know about Miss Cruz?"

"Guys, I would like to clear somethings okay. Krista and I are not in a relationship right now. We are not dating. The last time I talked to her was a year ago. I apologized to her for the pictures that are coming out. I promised her I will control it but I was not able to. I just hope that these things going on about us will not hurt her or her career or her family. I just wish her the best and I pray that she wins the crown. Thank you guys."

I turned my back and motioned Yuan to follow me.

"One last question Miggy,"

"Okay, are you single or dating someone else now?"

"No comment!"

"Miggy, any last words to Miss Cruz?"

"I wish you luck Krista. God bless you and take care"

The President's Son: Lt Julio Miguel BustamanteWhere stories live. Discover now