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I am a nervous wreck, i wonder if men like me could be a nervous wreck? I am cracking up inside. I do not know what to feel. But I had to compose myself. Since I am the highest ranking cadet, I get to recieve the reigning Miss America and the contestants since she comes from the Armed Forces of America too. The cadets get to escort the contestants. I had to wait inside to welcome them with the senior officers of the Academy.

Then I saw her. She was wearing a white shirt with a Miss America print in the front and skinny ripped jeans just like every candidate. But for me she stood out from the rest. Her escort is the First Brigade Commander Cadet Lance Woods. He and I are not close. He actually does not like me because I got the position he wanted. I looked at Krista and she was looking around....was she looking for me? Dream on Miggy. Woods was looking at her like someone he wanted to go to bed with. Damn I want to wipe that smirk on his face. Get your fucking hand off her!!!!


I was looking for him but he was no where to be found. I thought he's the highest ranking cadet? My escort on the other hand has been talking to me under his breath. I have been ignoring him. He said his name is Lance Woods and he blah! Blah! Blah!

Miss America Heather Francis marched in the building where we will be recieved by the Officers of USMA and the other high ranking cadets.

When I entered the building with the other contestants, I saw him. He was shaking hands with the contestants who came in before me. My escort stopped smiling and was looking at Miggy like he wanted to punch him. Miggy on the other hand was smiling at the contestants before me while shaking their hands. Then it was my turn. He looked into my eyes and smiled forcedly. It was a smile that looked like he did not expect me there. He shook my hand a little longer than any of the other candidates. Then it was over. I wanted to hug him or say something to him but I couldn't make myself say anything. My heart suddenly stopped breathing. It felt like it got stuck in my throat. I forced a smile at him and said the most stupid thing I could come up with.

"Thank you for the warm welcome Cadet Bustamante."

"Our pleasure Ma'am."

And my escort whisked me away from the cadet I only wanted to be with.

"How do you know his name?"


The President's Son: Lt Julio Miguel BustamanteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora