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Winning Miss America is just one of the goals that I have achieved. Next to achieve is Miss Universe. Lance Woods has not stopped calling me. We dated once or twice when he was a cadet because I wanted to get over He has been persistent. But i can not return the affection that he is showering me with. They have graduated from USMA now. Lance is deployed overseas in Afghanistan. I told him that I am not really ready to get involved yet. I have not heard from Miggy ever since. I asked Lance once but he did not answer my question. I saw an article about Miggy one time. He is back in the Philippines serving in their Army. So coming to the Philippines is anotherchance of us meeting each other. I just wonder why we always are in the same place and yet we do not see each other. In a dinner party for my in Vegas, I learned that he was with his family there to attend the funeral of his father's cousin. I went to the same cemetery to attend the funeral of my classmate in Junior High. We were there at the same time but we never saw each other.

Now, I am in his country for the Miss Universe pageant. But I wonder where he is now. Maybe we were not really meant to see each other. In our itinerary some of the delegates will be received by the First Family. But I would be lucky if the organizers would choose me as one to go meet them. I guess the prettier ones will go to the palace. And I know that he will not be there anyway.

"Miss America, Miss Jamaica, Miss Philippines, Miss Canada, Miss Australia, Miss Africa, Miss Malaysia, Miss Vietnam, Miss Puerto Rico, Miss Pakistan, Miss France, Miss Netherlands, Miss Japan, Miss Russia, Miss Korea, Miss Finland, Miss Fiji, Miss Laos, Miss Honduras, Miss Thailand, Miss Cuba you will be the group to go to Cebu. "

"Miss Brunei, Miss Egypt......"

They have already assigned us to groups that will go together in going around the country.

"Since you already know your groups, I will pick the group number in this box who will be going to Malakanyang to meet  the First Family." and the organizer diopped her hand in the box and picked a rolled paper with a number indicating which group is going. I am with group #2.

"Okay, the group that will be going to the Senate is Group #4," and she dipped her hand in the boz again. Group 2 will be going to Malakanyang....."

What? I will be meeting his family. Why do my hands feel clammy and I can't breath. Come on Krista, you will be meeting his family not him. Besides, you don't need to expect too much. I bet he never mentioned you to anyone.

"Okay girls, I want you to take a rest now since tomorrow will be the start of hard work. Enjoy your night. "

We piled up to our assigned rooms in the hotel where are billeted.

"Miss Philippines, do you personally know any member of the First Family?"

"I know the twins, Miggy and Yuan. They are my brother's classmates in the Philippine Military Academy but Miggy went to study at West Point. Hey, Miss America, are you not the one in the picture with Miggy last Christmas? There was a news about you too before."


"We just know each other."

"But the picture was showing you and him kissing at the airport. Hahahah But you know what I guess you are lucky cause that twin is the one who is seldom seen publickyly. It's the other twin, Yuan who is the ladies' man of the two."

"Speaking of which Miss America, you are in the news. I mean local news. I do not understand a bit but there is really a picture of you and this guy Miggy."


The ladies screamed and checked the television. True enough, they are showing pictures of me and Miggy. There was a picture of me leaning on his shoulder while he was looking over his shoulder as we were sitting down at the airport in JFk, when was that taken? There was a picture of him kissing me at the Reno airport, and there were a lot of pictures of us holding each other's hand. I am so shocked. Where are these pictures coming from?

"So Miss America, are you dating this hunk? He is so hot."

And there were giggling around me.

"Okay, we dated once but it did not work. For all I know he is already married or engaged to someone else. So quit it, I don't know where the poor guy anymore."

"But you know, you look good thogether. Hey that is coming from someone who is possessive of the first family. We can not just let our twins go to anyone you know. hahahahaha"

"Thank you Miss Philippines."

"Miss America, you know you are so lucky."

"Yeah you are lucky Miss America."

"And you are beautiful."

"Miss Korea, Miss Vietnam and Miss Thailand... we are all beautiful or else we will not be here fighting for that crown."

And there were laughter in the room.

"And obviously, when that picture was taken, you were so in love. Look at how you looked at each other."

"Thank you Miss Korea for that very wonderful observation, but I really have to agree with her Miss America, you looked so in love. I have never seen him look that way. I should know, I am 3 years older than him and Yuan and I have never seen him look that way. I just hope Miggy is still single. I know you are single right?"

"We're the group going to the Palace tomorrow right?"

"Yes Miss Finland."

"Then maybe we could tell the first couple that Miss America is the love of their son's life."

"Whooooaa, stop there girls, no one is going to tell them that. Miggy and I are no longer seeing each other so, let's just put it that way, okay? Let's all go to sleep"

ANd not a single lady stopped teasing me to Miggy. Miggy do you even know that our pictures are in Google Philippines? I was just the mysterious girlfriend in the picture, now Miss America used to date our very own Miggy Bustamante. There are even pictures with caption that says, First Twin Miggy Seen Smooching with Miss America, Miss America  Krista Crus dating Miggy Bustamante? Lt Bustamante to wed Miss America Krista Cruz. What?

The President's Son: Lt Julio Miguel BustamanteTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon