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"Hello, Mom?"

"Miggy, where are you?"

"I just got off the plane Mom. What's up?"

"What plane?"


"Where are you?"

"Cebu Mom."

"Where is Yuan?"

"Mom I just got off the plane and I will still have to see Yuan later. What's the problem?"

"You have some explaining to do. Your Dad asked me to call you. Anyways, call me when you got to Yuan's place, Your dad wants to talk to you both."

"Okay Mom."

What could be the problem of Mom and Dad this time? The last time they called me they wanted to know if I know about Yuan's affair with the First Daughter of America. I did not know it that time. They said that if Yuan is messing with Jannelle, they need to know. How would I know that Jannelle and Erica are the same?

I actually did not get off from the plane. I got off the KM. It's a military vehicle, smaller than a military truck but bigger than a military jeep. It is the vehicle mostly used by Army officers. I am assigned in a camp near the air base of Yuan. Since it's weekend, I asked if I be given an overnight pass from my Commanding Officer. He gave me the weekend off.

This is my second time to visit him. The first time I was mistaken by a girl to be Yuan. She came to me and hold my hand. Naturally I pushed her away hahahaha. She said she was insulted for what I did. Imagine after a wild night with her and that is how I treated her. I told her I don't know her and I am not Yuan. I am Miggy. She did not believe me until Yuan arrived and told her I am not him. He told me that the girl could not get over him getting over her.

I arrived in his quarters where he shares with another officer. Yuan was changing. He told me he just got off the plane. He had a flight from Manila. After the crash incident, he was taken off the presidential wing. He is now a test pilot for new planes and refurbished planes. My Mom is giving my Dad hell about this. She wanted Yuan to be transferred to search and rescue or any other assignment but not test piloting. Now she wants me to teach in PMA instead of going after the rebels. I have a feeling my being assigned in Cebu has something to do with this decision. Good thing dad knows his limit as president and Dad., He knows that we do not like to be treated like babies. He knows that we love to serve in our own way, not politics.

"Have you seen the news?"

"What news?"

"About you and Miss America."

"Miss Ameri.... What?"

"You and Miss America, dumb ass."

"Not yet. I don't know any news about us. By the way Mom wanted me to call her when I get here. Can you please do me a favor and don't answer your phone if they do?"

"What did you do this time?"

"I think it's more of what did YOU do that they want me to confess about it."

"I have no idea. Speak of the devil, your Mom is calling."

"That's your mother too ass hole."

"Answer the damn phone. I don't want my CO to come in here and give me his phone cause I refused to answer the call of the President of the Republic."

"That bad huh? They did that?"

"Yeah, the commander came in and handed me his phone.."

So I answered the call from Mom.

"Julio Miguel Bustamante, you better get your ass here in Manila now or I will personally come and get you there."

"Mom? I'm in Cebu."

"Who cares if you are in Cebu. Your Dad said you should come here."

"Mom, I can't. Can you please put Dad on the phone? May I speak with him please MOm?"

"Hello Miggy."

"Sir. Mommy said you wanted to talk to me. She wanted me to go there now. But please tell her I can't Daddy."

"Don't worry about it. I'll tell her. By the way, who is Krista Cruz to you?"

"Oh no! Why do you know about Krista?"

"Well, you have been in the news since she arrived yesterday. There are pictures of you and her in a rather ...ah... how do you call it, you were kissng each other in a crowded place, I believe the airport in Reno."

"Damn! Sorry Dad. I mean Krista and I did not work out. We're both busy with our careers."

"She and the other candidates are coming to the palace this afternoon, wouldn't you like to see her?"

"I don't know Dad. I guess, I better not."

"Don't you want me to say Hello for you?"

"Hahahahaha, no Dad. Thanks anyway."

"Okay Son, I understand. I gotta go before your Mom grabs the phone again."

"Hahahahaha okay Dad. Have a good day sir."

"I love you Miggy, tell Yuan I said I love you."

"I love you Dad. "

Yuan screamed so Dad will hear him.

"I love you Yuan."

The President's Son: Lt Julio Miguel BustamanteWhere stories live. Discover now