6. Christmas Morning

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I woke up to a knock on the door. I shook Miggy who was silently snoring beside me

"Miggy, someone's at the door, wake up."

Instead of waking up he, pulled the blanket over his head. I had no choice but to stand up and answer the door. I checked the clock on the wall, 5:02m it's still early and coold. I took his sweatshirt that was hanging on the chair and pulled it over my head. It fell almost until my knees. It's big but warm. It smelled of him.

I answered the door and Tita Lettie was there.

"Good morning Krista, Sorry to have woken you up. Is Miggy Up already?"

"Good morningin Tita Lettie, he's still snoring on the floor would you like me to wake him?"


"Sorry we pulled the mattress down to the floor so we will fit. He was supposed to go ask you last night if he can sleep on the couch but he saw that some of the visitors last night were sleeping over too so he told me we have to share the bed. I hope you don't mind us pulling the mattress down. We will fix it don't worry Tita."

I opened the door so she could see what I meant.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I could've come and checked on you if you were comfortable. I could have brought in another mattress for him."

"Oh, that's okay Tita. We slept comfortably anyway. It's just that this is the first time we had to sleep together in one bed. Miggy and I are so glad that you welcomed us in your home. That we can never repay."

"Don't think about it, Anak I know you and Miggy would do the same if you see your countryman needing a place to go to in a foreing land. Anyway, we are heading for the airport because our flight would be in a couple of hours. When is your flight?"

"Tonight at 10."

"That's 16 hours from now. You can stay here until your flight tonight if you want to. This is the number of  my nephew, just call him and he will come pick you up and drive you to the airport. This is the key to the house, Just give it to him. He will be the one house sitting for us while we're away."

"We can leave now Tita, I will just wake Miggy up."

"Oh no! NO! NO! Krista it's okay. You can stay here in the house as long as you want. It is an honour for us that you , our future Miss Universe and the son of our homeland's president spent the night here and celebrated Christmas with us. By the way, I cooked something for you both, just heat it when you want to eat already. Jael, my nephew will be here, so you don't need to clean up when you're gone."

She opened her arms wide

"Can I just get a hug from you?"

I hugged her

"I hope Krista  if you ever come to New York again, come visit us. Our home is opened 24/7 for you and Miggy. You can come even without Miggy, You are welcome here. And I pray that you will be the next Miss Universe."

"Thank you Tita Lettie, thank you so much. Wait here I will wake Miggy so he could thank you personally."

"No just let him sleep."

"No Tita, just hang on."

So I went to wake up sleeping beauty.

"Miggy, wake up! Tita Lettie is leaving for the airport already. Come on wake up."


Oh gosh! Why do you look so handsome?"

"They are eaving. You need to go say bye and thank you."

He stood up and went to the door. I went after  him. They hugged each other and he said thank you to her. They spoke in their language and he was smiling widely at her. They hugged again and she also hugged me.

"You don't have to come up. You can go back to bed it's still early."

When I closed the door behind me, Miggy was back under the covers andhe looks like he was going back to sleep. I crept beside him and lay down. I was thinking what would we do while waiting for our flight tonight? Sleep? I turned to look at the stranger beside me who was breathing evenly again. Might be back to dreamland already. I closed my eyes, and turned on my back at him. I forgot to remove his sweater, I sat up again and took it off. When I lay back on the mattress, his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer to him.. I froze.

"Relax! I will not do anything. I just want to do this cause you seemed cold."


I tried to relax with his arms around me but I could not. My breathing is getting heavier by the minute while the cause of the turmoil of feelings in me is relaxed and seemed to be unbothered. I want to kick him and tell him to remove his fucking arm around me but I couldn't, his arms feels comforting and well...I love just to be in his arms.


I don't know what got into me. I pulled her and  wrapped my arms around her. She feels soft and fits perfectly in my arms. She is not moving. I know it shocked her. I am just waiting for her to smack me in the head or she would stand up and kick me but she didn't. So I pulled her even closed to me. I rested my face in the crook of her neck and I could feel her controlling her breathing. Heavy breathing. She is as affected as I am. I am just playing it cool so she won't push me away. But all I wanted to do is kiss her and take those damn clothes off her> But cool it down Julio Miguel, you don't wanna scare her off, right. I had to play it cool but something in me just wouldn't cooperate right now. Damn!

Did she feel it?

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The President's Son: Lt Julio Miguel BustamanteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin