Chapter 12

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I do not own HoO or PJ.

Warning: This chapter is very sad and mushy, I know. But my friend asked me to do a dramatic chapter for her, because she likes Percabeth to be dramatic. This is also based on my first version of Chapter 12, but I didn't put it on wattpad because I thought it was too complicated.


LEO FELT QUITE PROUD OF HIMSELF. Ever since the prophecy was issued, he tried to prevent the only problem in it that he could help: Piper and Hazel being separated. He knew he couldn’t prevent it, but he could help it.

The bracelets were made of light brown leather, embroidered with simple patterns. They weren’t much, but the beauty was on the inside. They both contained a GPS system, which was secretly connected to Annabeth’s laptop.

The bracelets were made for Piper and Hazel, obviously, and no one knew about them. No one except Percy. Percy had seen him working on Piper’s bracelet, and Leo figured that if something happened to himself, someone else should know about them.

Percy glanced into the sky and shouted, “Heads up guys!”

Leo checked out the black, horseless chariot flying toward the ship. He looked at the monsters on the chariot, about twenty of them, and knew he was in trouble. They were hot! Leo remembered Percy’s warning, and forced to think them as ugly. In truth, he didn’t want a girlfriend. Well, he did, but one that would be loyal to him. He just liked making girls laugh, because it made him feel better about himself. Plus, Leo didn’t like fighting girls.

Frank was doing his best to pick off empousai with his arrows. Jason managed to throw the chariot off balance with his powers, but it stayed afloat. The chariot was being pursued by another four chariots.

“Stop using your powers! It’s no use. You’ll only drain yourselves” Annabeth told them.

She was right of course. Leo’s fireballs didn’t affect the chariots at all. There seemed to be some kind of weird and annoying force protecting the chariots during flight.

As the chariots got closer, he saw that they were all about the saw size, so it was roughly 100 empousai to seven.

Piece of cake.

Hazel ran to Frank, just in time, setting aside the Ambrosia and Nectar flasks. Leo still felt a bit guilty for making her cry two days ago. Sometimes he couldn’t help but stare at Hazel. This girl could’ve been his grandmother, and she was only thirteen!

Wow, Leo thought, demigod life is really messed up.

The Argo II rocked gently as the first chariot landed. Leo looked around at his ship. Gaea was not going to take that from him too.

Leo looked at his best friends. Jason was smiling confidently, but Piper flashed him a nervous but expectant look. Leo watched as she did the same to Jason, Percy and Frank, as the last chariot landed.

“Go!” Percy yelled.

The Seven charged, ruthlessly slashing and stabbing. The empousai had nets, swords, and daggers strapped to their thighs, for close combat, but Leo had trained for just that at Camp Half-Blood. He muttered a ‘thanks’ to Chiron.

The Seven seemed to always work in pairs, or alone. One time Leo hammered a sneering empousa, that had been about to tangle Hazel. Another time, Leo was fighting alongside Percy, the water and fire creating a lingering steam, which allowed them the element of surprise to vaporize monsters. Leo was with Frank once too, setting his arrows on fire. Leo was glad the Hazel was keeping the firewood safe. Once Leo’s hammer flew out of his hand in mid-swing, but he just brought out another one.

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