Chapter 25

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Version two wins!! I don't own PJ or HoO, The Mark of Athena comes out in a week, the next POV is Piper Mclean, and This is dedicated to someone awesome... Just haven't decide who yet...


JASON WAS WORRIED. It had been about three days since Annabeth Chase had left the safety of the ship. Three days since Frank had that dream where Gaea told him some bad news. What was it? Oh, yeah. How could he forget? Gaea was after him.

She wanted both leaders at her disposable. As she already claimed Percy, and Jason was next. Yes, he was being self-centered by thinking about himself, but try not thinking about yourself sometimes if someone want to kidnap you- and you can’t do anything about it.

The Argo II was currently over north Rome- which Leo liked to announce to everyone.

Leo and Frank were okay, maybe even better than before. They hadn’t started any fights since the fire. But everyone was keeping an eye on them. Just in case.

The ship had been repaired already. Jason was still amazed at how Leo had been able to fix it so fast. Only Frank’s room had been affected bit the fire, oddly enough, but Leo still made a couple of changes in it. Like the walls for instance.

“So, why did you put in wooded walls anyway?” Jason asked Leo as they roamed around the ship on guard duty. Usually, everyone did it on their own, but since Jason is Gaea’s new target, Piper had insisted some protection.

Jason remembered that as soon as the Argo II had touched down in Camp Jupiter, Leo had started making the two rooms for Hazel and Frank.

Leo’s brows furrowed. “Erm… You know, since he’s from Canada and can change into animals and all that… I thought he’d like some nature and stuff”

Jason laughed. “Leo, he can change into animals, that doesn’t mean he is one! And I’m pretty sure that his mansion wasn’t wooden.”

“Hey! Don’t laugh- Superman! I barely knew the guy then. How was I supposed to know about his mansion?”

Jason was still laughing as he passed an open trapdoor leading to the deck. He absentmindedly looked through it as he passed. Then he stopped abruptly, and took a couple of steps back. Leo kept walking, oblivious, and was talking about mechanical things.

“… People always take screwdrivers for granted, do you even know how importa-?” Leo looked next to him. “Uh?” he turned around and saw Jason frowning up at the trapdoor.

“Hey man,” He complained. “Don’t scare me like that! I thought Gaea-”

“Leo” Jason called urgently., motioning him towards the trapdoor. Leo obliged quickly. “Can you see that?” Jason asked, pointing to the sky.

Leo squinted, “Yeah,” then recoiled. “What is that?”

“I don’t know” Jason replied. Probably more trouble, Jason wanted to add, but he held his tongue.

Leo’s eyes widened. “It’s coming straight at us”

Jason took another look. Leo was right. It- whatever it was- was coming straight toward the ship, with speed. If only Jason knew what they were facing, he could get everyone prepared.

They were still too far away to judge, but to Jason it looked like a gigantic swarm of bees. “We should warn the others” was all that Jason managed to say.

Jason nearly sprinted to Piper’s room in hurry. At the speed that the thing was advancing in, everybody had about twenty minutes to prepare.

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