Chapter 22

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  • Dedicat lui My older sister, because I finally got her obsessed with Percy Jackson :)

ALL OF THE CHAPTER!!!!! But here it is :) Hope you enjoy it, it might be a bit rubbish, because it was rushed. I'll go through it again when I have time :) HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! :D

And sorry it took so long, but I'm getting really busy with visitors and school starting soon- eww :) But I hope to update Hazel's POV soon. (Meaning tomorrow, if not the day after that!)


"WHY DID YOU PRETEND NOT TO KNOW ME?" Percy frowned. “What’s up with that?”

Nico gave Percy a pained look. “I wanted to, Percy. But I just knew I wasn’t supposed to. You ending up in the Roman camp? That wasn’t normal, so I bid my time. Because if the Romans found out you were Greek, umm, that would be bad. And Hera told me not to. Made me promise on the Styx.” Nico frowned, studying Percy’s reaction. “She didn’t want you to know.”

“Well, Hera doesn’t want a lot of things” Percy grumbled under his breath. Percy was getting restless, so he tried to get up. But his hands were still tied, so he shoved his back against the wall to try and push himself up. He winced. Ouch. No, that won’t work. So he just replaced his back with his head. He awkwardly raised himself off of the floor and started pacing. Nico watched him curiously from the ground.

“Do you really think Annabeth’s coming here?” He asked absentmindedly.

Nico nodded solemnly. “It wouldn’t be hard to believe. She was pretty shaken up the first time you left, I think she’d come for you no matter what”

Percy groaned.

“How did you get here?” Percy faced Nico, who was waiting for an answer. “How did she catch you so quickly? Dad always complains how hard it is to catch you, how did Gaea do it?”

“I chose to be captured.” Percy told him. Nico raised his eyebrows. “It was either that or watch Piper die” Percy explained. Nico sighed. He knew about Percy’s fatal flaw.


“Nico, save it. I had more chance of living than Piper. They would’ve killed her on the spot. I was captured not killed. I had a choice, I made it. And honestly, I don’t regret it.”

“But, your fatal flaw- Percy, you can’t keep letting it take over your choices! Look where it got you! Beaten and bloody, Gaea has locked you up in the middle of nowhere, and Annabeth is looking for you!”

“I don’t regret it.” Percy snapped back. “At least Piper is safe now. I don’t really care about where I am now, because it doesn’t matter. Gaea has me locked up, yeah, but she has no use of me. As for Annabeth…” Percy closed his eyes. “Gaea wouldn’t want to hurt her, right?” He murmured, more to himself than anyone else. An idea struck him. Percy snapped his head back to Nico. “Nico, did you see Grover? Is he here?”

Nico looked confused. “Grover? I haven’t seen him since… Since the Titan War!”

Those were the last words Percy had ever wanted to hear.

“What?” He was crestfallen. He didn’t know where his best friend was, or if he was safe. What kind of a friend was he?

“Aaaarhg!” Percy yelled, he ran to the huge metal door and slammed into it. It felt very satisfying.

Nico scrambled back. “Percy, calm down! Yeesh. You might have just interrupted the world’s ugliest monster’s beauty sleep!”

Percy raised his eyebrows at Nico. He blushed. “I have no idea where that came from”

Percy ignored him and slammed the door with his knee. “Two great prophecies. Two friends gone. Captured. Nothing to do. Friends in danger. I think I might just kill myself before Gaea can!” Percy yelled in frustration.

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