Chapter 6

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I do not claim to own any of Rick Riordans works, you will notice that in my writing!


EVEN THOUGH ANNABETH HAD BEEN WITH PERCY AGAIN FOR TWO DAYS, she still couldn’t believe it. All those months of worrying finally gone. Annabeth sometimes found herself crying in her sleep when until she realised Percy was with her once again. She was amazed that after all these months, Percy had been asleep, and only the past week he had found Camp Jupiter, and become Praetor. She found the Roman Camp amazing, but she preferred Camp Half-Blood, it was her home and were she had grown up, and then she thought about the War Games…

The War Games were disaster enough, but after, when Percy and Jason blacked out, Annabeth was scared that she lost her boyfriend again, just after finding him. She had stayed by Percy’s bed side all the time, scared that someone might take him while he was asleep; it was a nightmare in itself.

Annabeth was still confused as to what happened then, the memory was a bit fuzzy as she just woke up, but she tried to remember…


Annabeth was sleeping in a chair, next to Percy’s bed, her head on his chest, when someone shook her awake. Annabeth opened her eyes only to find Piper standing over her. Annabeth was confused, Piper was supposed to be ill, in the Hospital, what was she doing awake? And why did Piper have a fragile look in her eyes? No, not only fragile, also sad, guilty.

“I thought you were asleep?” Annabeth asked. Piper looked at her with concern.

“I was, but I woke up a while ago. Sorry to wake you but Reyna called for you…” Piper replied softly. “She said she wants you to Go to the Principia.” Annabeth didn’t want to leave Percy, who cares what Reyna has to say? Reyna didn’t listen when Annabeth said something! Like what she thought about why the two Camp Leaders were asleep! But Annabeth knew she couldn’t get the Romans angry. She’ll come straight back to Percy after.

“Okay.” Annabeth said, she started to leave and hesitating at the doorway, looking at Percy. She couldn’t leave him now! What if he woke up and she wasn’t there?

“I’ll look after him, don’t worry” Piper assured her. Annabeth was slightly assured.

Annabeth left to go to the Principia. It was a long walk from New Rome, so Annabeth had time to think. Gaea was keeping Percy and Jason asleep, she was sure of it, but why? Suddenly Annabeth had an urge to run back to Percy, since he might have woken up, but she fought it. Percy had been asleep for two weeks, why wake up now? But if Gaea was keeping Percy asleep, then she wasn’t showing him nice things, she was probably tormenting him. Annabeth couldn’t stand the thought, she had tried every way to wake him up, save him from Gaea, but nothing worked. She still felt guilty, Percy saved her so many times, and she couldn’t save him just this once? Snap out of it, Annabeth. You saved him loads of times too, remember?

Annabeth arrived at the Principia, only to find it empty. That was strange, since Reyna had asked her to come here. When Annabeth asked a Roman Camper were Reyna was, he only replied with, “I dunno, I think she went to sort some things out with Octavian or whatever.”

Annabeth felt a spark of annoyance, ‘I dunno’ wasn’t really a valid answer, and if Reyna had asked Annabeth to come here; she might as well have stayed to meet Annabeth. Annabeth left to go back to Percy, she didn’t have time to wait for Reyna.

When Annabeth arrived at the Hospital, she found Leo and Piper sitting outside Jason’s room. Annabeth was just about to confront Piper about Reyna when Piper noticed her and said, “Annabeth, you must be tired, go to bed and get some sleep.”

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